Project Cheetah & CAMPA

Why in the News?

  • The effort to import African cheetahs to India was recently stated to have been funded by funds from Project Tiger and the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management & Planning Authority (CAMPA).
    • The cost of the annual upkeep and transfer of African cheetahs was requested in detail from the Center.


More about the news

  • Other suitable sites:
    • In Madhya Pradesh, there are two wildlife sanctuaries: Gandhi Sagar and Nauradehi.
    • It has been determined that the Shahgarh Bulge, Bhainsrorgarh Wildlife Sanctuary, and Mukundara Hills Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan were additional appropriate habitats for cheetahs in India.
  • New site for Lions in Saurashtra:
    • The Wildlife Institute of India has identified and evaluated Barda Wildlife Sanctuary as a prospective lion habitat.
      • Critics: It is barely 100 km from Gir forest and hence not geographically isolated from Gir to be able to effectively mitigate conservation risks to the lion population.

Project Tiger

  • It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme.
  • It was launched in 1973.
  • Aim:
    • It has the aim of ensuring that the population of Bengal tigers is well-maintained in their natural habitats, this project continues to do everything possible to protect and save the tiger.
  • Tiger protecting force:
    • A tiger protection squad has also been established by the government to ensure that there is no poaching of any type or conflict between humans and tigers.
    • This will undoubtedly contribute to keeping tigers from going extinct.
  • Increasing the number of tigers:
    • Surveys in 2006 indicated that there were just 1,411 tigers left, which raised concerns across the globe.
    • India has had a steady increase in the number of tigers over the past ten years.
  • Tiger Reserves:
    • There are 50 tiger reserves across 18 Tiger Range States in India.
  • Objectives of Project Tiger:
    • To ensure that any factor leading to the reduction of tiger habitats is limited.
    • Any damages done to these habitats should be repaired so that the ecosystem is balanced
    • Maintain a viable tiger population.
  • Significance:
    • The tiger is an umbrella species that provides healthy populations of other wild creatures (co-predators, prey), forests, and other habitats, which also protects the region’s access to clean water and stability of the climate.
    • 80% of the world’s tigers are found in India.
  • What is a viable tiger population?
    • A viable tiger population is one which has 80-100 tigers with a minimum of 20 breeding females, with a sex ratio skewed towards females.
  • How are tiger reserves notified?
    • From the State, a proposal is obtained for the reserve.
    • The National Tiger Conservation Authority, which is soliciting detailed suggestions in accordance with section 38V of the Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972, has communicated its in-principle approval.
    • After conducting its due diligence, the National Tiger Conservation Authority recommends the plan to the State.
    • The region is declared a tiger reserve by the State Government.
  • What is Conservation Assured | Tiger Standards?
    • CA|TS is a tool or a comprehensive system that will provide a reference point to evaluate the existing management effectiveness of tiger conservation within integrated landscape planning, and ensure that benefits from these efforts are optimised.

What are CAMPA Funds?

  • Establishment:
    • In order to supervise and manage the Compensatory Afforestation Fund (CAF) in accordance with the SC’s instructions, the Ministry of Environment and Forests established the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA) in 2004.
  • Meaning:
    • The CAMPA Act, also known as the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, is a piece of Indian legislation that aims to establish a suitable institutional framework at the federal level as well as in each state and union territory to ensure prompt, effective, and transparent use of funds released in lieu of forest land diverted for non-forest purposes in order to lessen the effects of such divergence.
  • Objectives of CAMPA:
    • In order to make up for forest land that has been transferred to non-forest uses, the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA) works to encourage afforestation and regeneration operations.
    • National CAMPA Advisory Council has been established with the following mandate:
      • Lay down broad guidelines for State CAMPA.
      • Facilitate scientific, technological and other assistance that may be required by State CAMPA.
      • Make recommendations to State CAMPA based on a review of their plans and programmes.
      • Provide a mechanism to State CAMPA to resolve issues of an inter-state or Centre-State character.

Project Cheetah

  • Project Cheetah:
    • The introduction of cheetahs in India is being done under Project Cheetah.
    • It is the world’s first intercontinental large wild carnivore translocation project.
  • Coexistence approach:
    • India has opted for this approach.
    • It is even more unique because this is the first-time cheetahs will be reintroduced in an unfenced protected area (PA).
      • Significance of Coexistence approach
        • Social scientists favour the Coexistence strategy more than other approaches.
        • In South Africa and Malawi, fencing has shown to be a useful strategy in reducing cheetahs’ propensity to travel widely, allowing for population increase.
        • Anthropogenic hazards to the KNP’s core protected area are minimal.
      • Challenges associated with Coexistence approach
        • Kuno NP will be more difficult because it is neither fenced in or enclosed.
        • Cheetah reintroductions into unfenced systems have not proven successful.
        • The snaring of cheetahs for bush meat and retaliatory killings in response to cattle theft are two anthropogenic dangers to their survival.
        • As a result, they would be at risk for human-related deaths such snaring and farmer retaliation killings.
      • Other method (Fortress conservation):
        • Cheetahs have been reintroduced several times in various African countries.
        • But these reintroductions were all done in fenced PAs as fencing provides safety from human-animal conflict caused due to cheetahs killing livestock.
African Cheetah Asiatic Cheetah
IUCN status: Vulnerable


Distribution: Around 6,500-7,000 African cheetahs present in the wild.


Characteristics: They are bigger in size as compared to Asiatic Cheetah.

IUCN status: Critically endangered


Status in India: The Asiatic Cheetah was declared extinct in India in 1952.


Distribution: They are only 40-50 and found only in Iran.


Characteristics: Smaller and paler than the African cheetah.

Way Forward

  • CAMPA funds are meant for restoration of forests, particularly the ones that have been diverted for industrial purposes.
    • There have been demands that this money should be given to Gram Sabhas so that they can be financially empowered to restore forests.
  • Indigenous and forest-dwelling communities’ country-wide are struggling for sustainable finance.
    • CAMPA funds should be used to empower them.