Preliminary Pointers.

World Heart Day

News: World Heart Day is celebrated on 29th September.

World Heart Day 2023

  • History: Introduced in 1999, first celebrated on September 24, 2000
  • Significance: Raises awareness about heart disease and promotes preventive measures against cardiovascular diseases.

Theme for 2023: “Use Heart, Know Heart”

  • “Use Heart”: Promotes the use of the heart emoji as a universal symbol to convey the significance of heart health.
  • “Know Heart”: Emphasizes the importance of knowledge about heart health, empowering individuals to make informed decisions.

Significance of World Heart Day

  • Addresses the global heart disease epidemic, with cardiovascular diseases being the leading cause of worldwide mortality (31% of all global deaths).
  • Common conditions include heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure.
  • Aims to reduce cardiovascular mortality through awareness and education.

Key Information for Competitive Exams

  • World Heart Federation Founded: 2000
  • World Heart Federation Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland
  • World Heart Federation President: Fausto Pinto


Current Account Deficit (CAD)

News:  RBI released CAD of this fiscal year

  • Widened to $9.2 billion, representing 1.1% of the GDP.
  • Narrowed in comparison to the same quarter of the previous year.
  • Recorded a deficit of $17.9 billion, equivalent to 2.1% of the GDP.
  • Compared to the preceding quarter when it was $1.3 billion, or 0.2% of GDP.
  • The increase in CAD on a quarter-on-quarter basis is primarily attributed to:
  • A decrease in the surplus from net services.
  • A decline in private transfer receipts, as stated by the Reserve Bank of India.

Current Account Deficit (CAD) Explained

  • The current account is a financial measure that tracks the movement of goods, services, and investments in and out of a country.
  • A country experiences a current account deficit when the value of goods and services it imports surpasses the value of those it exports.
  • The current account encompasses several key components:
  1. Trade of goods
  2. Services
  3. Net income from overseas investments
  4. Net transfer of payments, including items like foreign aid and remittances.

When a nation’s CAD rises, it suggests that it may have lost competitiveness, potentially discouraging foreign investors. In India, addressing the Current Account Deficit could involve strategies such as increasing exports and reducing non-essential imports like gold, mobiles, and electronics.


Tigers’s Death at Niligiris

News: A total of 10 tigers (six cubs and four adults) have died in the Nilgiris since the middle of August.

Possible Reasons for Tiger Deaths

  • Starvation or Infection: Six two-week-old tiger cubs may have died due to starvation or umbilical infections.
  • Injuries from Fights: Adult tigers found dead had injury marks, suggesting deaths from fights with other animals.
  • Poisoning: One male tiger may have been poisoned after consuming a poisoned cow carcass.
  • High Tiger Density: Overpopulation of tigers in Mudumalai-Bandipur-Nagarhole complex leads to tigers moving to other areas, causing increased competition and deaths.
  • Poaching Incidents: Earlier arrests of poachers from Rajasthan heighten fears for tiger safety.

The Nilgiri Hills, located in South India’s Tamil Nadu, exhibit striking features

  • These hills soar abruptly from the neighboring plains, reaching heights between 6,000 to 8,000 feet (1,800 to 2,400 meters).
  • Among them, Doda Betta, standing at 2,637 meters, claims the title of Tamil Nadu’s highest point.
  • Situated within the Western Ghats range, the Nilgiri Hills are separated from the Karnataka Plateau by the Noyar River and from the Anaimalai and Palni hills by the Palghat Gap.
  • The Nilgiri Hills experience cooler and wetter climates compared to the surrounding plains, with the upper hills featuring undulating grassy downs.
  • These hills are home to extensive cultivation, including tea, cinchona (a source of quinine), coffee, and various vegetables.

Nilgiri Biosphere reserve

  • Diverse Ecosystems: NBR includes tropical evergreen forests, Montane sholas, semi-evergreen forests, and more.
  • Geographic Range: Primarily in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, with elevations from 300 to 2,670 meters.
  • Biodiversity: Home to diverse flora and fauna, including many endemic species.
  • Notable Wildlife: Nilgiri tahr, tiger, Indian elephant, and more.
  • Tribal Communities: Inhabited by various tribal groups.
  • Protected Areas: Encompasses Mudumalai, Wayanad, Bandipur, Nagarhole, Mukurthi, and Silent Valley.

FATF and Amnesty International

News: Amnesty International has alleged that Indian authorities are utilizing FATF recommendations as a means to hinder the activities of activists and civil society organizations

Key Points About FATF (Financial Action Task Force)

  • Establishment and Purpose: FATF, established in 1989, is an intergovernmental organization.
  • Its primary mission is to combat money laundering and financial crimes on a global scale.

Role of FATF

  • Global Financial Crimes Combat: FATF formulates policies to address money laundering and terrorist financing in the context of the global economy.
  • Regulatory Recommendations: The organization provides recommendations to combat financial crime, assesses members’ policies, and promotes the adoption of anti-money laundering regulations worldwide.
  • Continuous Updates: To stay ahead of evolving financial crime tactics, FATF regularly updates its recommendations.

Key Initiatives: Grey and Black Lists

  • Grey List: Countries seen as safe havens for supporting terror funding and money laundering are placed in the FATF grey list. Inclusion serves as a warning before potential blacklisting.
  • Black List (Call for Action): The “Non-Cooperative Countries or Territories” (NCCTs) list, known as the black list, identifies non-compliant countries regarding FATF’s recommendations.

Amnesty International

  • Foundation: Amnesty International, a non-governmental organization, was founded in London in 1961.
  • Mission: The organization’s mission is to create a world where every individual enjoys the full spectrum of human rights outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other global human rights standards.
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Adopted in 1948, this declaration marked the first universal recognition of fundamental human rights worldwide.
  • Activities: Amnesty International engages in research, takes action to prevent severe human rights violations, and advocates for justice on behalf of those whose rights have been infringed upon.
  • Recognition: Amnesty International received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977 for its commitment to defending human dignity against torture. Additionally, it was honored with the United Nations Prize in the field of Human Rights in 1978.



News: PM Narendra Modi greets people on Milad-un-Nabi.


This day commemorates the birth anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad. Legend has it that the Prophet was born on the twelfth day of Rabee-ul-Awwal in Mecca in the year 570 CE. Rabee-ul-Awwal is the third month of the Islamic lunar calendar.


  • “Milaad Mehfils” and “Seerat Conferences” are organized to highlight the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad.
  • Hymns are sung in praise of the Prophet, with the belief that listening to them brings both worldly and heavenly rewards.
  • Many countries mark the day with large processions in the streets and elaborate decorations in homes as part of the celebrations.

Key Points About Islam and teaching of prophet

  • Prophets in Islam: Islam teaches that God sent various prophets to guide humanity in living by His laws. Prominent prophets include Jesus, Moses, and Abraham, with Muhammad being the final prophet in Islamic belief.
  • Emergence of Islam: The Islamic faith traces its origins to the time of Muhammad’s migration. Muslims believe that God’s word was revealed to Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel.
  • Basis of Islamic Law: Muslims derive their laws from two primary sources: the Quran (their holy book) and the Sunnah, which serves as a practical example set by Prophet Muhammad.
  • Basic Tenets of Islam: These include belief in one God, acceptance of Muhammad as the final prophet, and the conviction that life on Earth is a period of preparation for the afterlife, where God judges actions.
  • Sects in Islam: The two main sects are Sunni and Shia. While both hold the Quran as holy, they have differences stemming from historical, political, and social factors. For instance, the choice of Prophet Muhammad’s successor is a point of contention between them.

Indo-Latin America

News: 4th edition of Indo-Latin America Cultural Festival organised by ICCR begins in New Delhi.

4th edition of Indo-Latin America Cultural Festival

  • It features 34 artists from Colombia, Ecuador, and Chile over two days.
  • ICCR President Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe aims to showcase Latin American culture and foster collaborations.
  • Akashvani correspondent highlights the festival’s role in strengthening cultural ties between India and Latin America.


India and Latin America (LAC) had distinct post-independence paths

  • LAC nations fell under US influence, while India initiated the Non-Aligned Movement and formed a friendship treaty with the Soviet Union, creating a divide.
  • LAC countries had political differences, with some leaning towards capitalism and others socialism, further straining relations.
  • Both adopted socialist policies post-independence.
  • Many LAC countries joined the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), and India supported them against US interventions in international forums, but this didn’t bridge the gap.
  • Post-Cold War, as democracies emerged in LAC and India opened its economy, new trade and commerce opportunities arose.
  • India’s historical ties with some LAC nations, such as Mexico recognizing India shortly after its 1947 independence, are noteworthy.

India’s trade with Latin American countries holds strategic importance:

  • Mexico was a significant export destination, surpassing neighboring countries like Thailand, Myanmar, and Iran.
  • Trade with the Dominican Republic exceeded that with certain European nations like Portugal and Greece.
  • India outperformed China in pharmaceutical exports to Latin America, with a consistent lead over the past five years.
  • Latin America has emerged as a lucrative market for Indian exports, particularly in pharmaceuticals.