Preliminary Pointers.

Crackdown on Khalistani-Gangster Nexus 

News: National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted extensive raids across multiple states including Punjab, Haryana, Delhi-NCR, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, and Uttar Pradesh.

  • NIA sources revealed that Khalistani and gangster elements situated abroad are channeling funds through hawala networks to support over ground workers in India involved in drug and weapon trade.

National Investigation Agency (NIA)

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is India’s premier counter-terrorism and national security agency, under the Ministry of Home Affairs.

  • Foundation: Formed in the wake of the 2008 Mumbai attacks, the NIA was created to provide a dedicated agency for counter-terrorism efforts.
  • Jurisdiction: The NIA has nationwide jurisdiction and can investigate cases across states without needing permission.
  • Investigation: It handles cases involving terrorism, counterfeit currency, cybercrime, and transnational crimes.
  • Powers: The agency can arrest, search, and seize property as part of its investigations.
  • Legal Framework: It operates under the National Investigation Agency Act, 2008.
  • Significance: NIA plays a crucial role in maintaining national security and combating terrorism in India.

Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA)

  • It is an Indian law enacted in
  • Aim: to deal with activities that threatens India’s sovereignty and integrity.
  • Powers: Allows for the banning of unlawful organizations, preventive detention, and prosecution of individuals involved in unlawful activities.
  • Application: Frequently used in cases of terrorism, extremism, and radicalization.

Place in News


News: Nagorno-Karabakh, often referred to simply as Karabakh, is a region located in the South Caucasus.

  • Geographical Location: Nagorno-Karabakh is situated in the South Caucasus, within the borders of Azerbaijan, but the majority of its population is ethnic Armenian.
  • Historical Conflict: The region has been a source of conflict for decades, with both Armenia and Azerbaijan laying claim to it. This dispute escalated into a full-scale war in the late 1980s and early 1990s, resulting in substantial casualties and displacement of people.
  • Ceasefire: A ceasefire was brokered in 1994, effectively freezing the conflict. Since then, Nagorno-Karabakh has functioned as a self-declared republic with close ties to Armenia.
  • Ongoing Tensions: Despite the ceasefire, tensions have persisted, and sporadic clashes and fights occurred over the years.
  • Recent Conflict: In 2020, a significant escalation occurred, leading to a six-week war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, resulting in casualties and significant damage.
  • Status Quo: The status of Nagorno-Karabakh remains unresolved, with competing territorial claims and a complex geopolitical backdrop involving Russia, Turkey, and other regional powers. Peace negotiations continue under the Minsk Group, co-chaired by France, Russia, and the United States.

Nineveh Province in Iraq


  • Location: Nineveh is a northern Iraqi province situated in the Tigris River’s basin, known for its historical and cultural significance.
  • Capital: Mosul, one of Iraq’s major cities, serves as the provincial capital of Nineveh.
  • Cultural Richness: Nineveh is celebrated for its diverse cultural heritage, archaeological sites, and ancient history.
  • Ethnic Diversity: The province is home to various ethnic groups, including Arabs, Kurds, Assyrians, and other minorities.
  • Historical Significance: Mosul and the broader Nineveh region have historical ties to ancient empires, including the Assyrians and Babylonians.
  • Recent Challenges: In recent years, Nineveh faced significant challenges, including the occupation by ISIS, leading to damage to its heritage sites and displacement of populations.
  • Post-Conflict Recovery: Efforts for post-conflict recovery and rebuilding cultural heritage are ongoing in Nineveh, with international support.

Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit

News: Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit.


  • It was the 20th anniversary celebration of the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit (VGGS) in Ahmedabad.
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed confidence in India’s future as one of the world’s top three economies.
  • Modi highlighted the transformation of Gujarat, from a region in distress due to factors like the devastating earthquake and violence, to a favored destination for foreign investment, thanks in part to the VGGS’s role in the past two decades.
  • Modi encouraged Indian businessmen and investors to invest in emerging sectors with significant growth potential to help India become a developed and self-reliant nation by 2047.
  • The VGGS is a biennial summit that was first held in 2003. It is organized by the Government of Gujarat to promote investment and economic development in the state.
  • It is one of the largest investment summits in the world. It attracts participants from all over the globe, including business leaders, investors, policymakers, and government officials.
  • It is a platform for businesses to explore new investment opportunities, network with potential partners, and learn about the latest trends and developments in the global economy.
  • It also features a variety of events and sessions on a wide range of topics, such as infrastructure, manufacturing, technology, and innovation.

World Tourism Day

News: World Tourism Day is celebrated on 27th september.

  • World Tourism Day is observed annually on September 27th by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
  • The theme for World Tourism Day 2023 is “Tourism and green investment,” focusing on the need for targeted investments aligned with Sustainable Development Goals.
  • The celebration aims to move beyond traditional economic growth and productivity-centric investments.
  • World Tourism Day recognizes the tourism sector’s role in promoting peace and prosperity and started in 1980.
  • Saudi Arabia is the host country for World Tourism Day 2023, and official celebrations will be held in Riyadh on September 27th.


  • Engage in Social Media Campaigns: Participate in or organize social media campaigns using hashtags like #Tourism, #WorldTourismDay, and #GlobalTourism to promote tourism worldwide.
  • Partner with Tourism Agencies: Collaborate with tourism agencies to offer special discounts and incentives to encourage travel to various destinations.
  • Host Tourism-Themed Art Exhibitions: Organize art exhibitions focused on tourism themes to inspire and engage the public.
  • Arrange Educational Events: Host seminars, workshops, and campaigns to raise awareness about tourism industry challenges and opportunities.
  • Global Tourism Promotion: Launch campaigns inviting people worldwide to share and promote their travel experiences, showcasing diverse destinations and experiences.


India-US 2 plus 2 Dialogue

News: India-US 2 plus 2 Intersessional Dialogue was held in Washington.

  • Top US Defence and State Department officials co-chaired the seventh 2+2 Intersessional Dialogue with Indian counterparts on September 26.
  • The focus was on the transformative momentum in US-India relations and the importance of upholding security in the Indo-Pacific.
  • They reviewed progress on key initiatives, including information-sharing, defence industrial cooperation, and joint service engagements.
  • The officials emphasized the crucial role of a strong US-India partnership in ensuring security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Discussions centred on enhancing interoperability, logistics cooperation, and combined maritime engagements in the Indian Ocean Region.
  • The dialogue also explored expanded cooperation in space and cyber domains.
  • Regional security developments and strategic priorities in the Indo-Pacific region were among the topics discussed.
  • The dialogue covered various ambitious initiatives, including defence, emerging technologies, people-to-people ties, clean energy, and supply chain resilience.
  • Both sides reaffirmed the importance of a strong partnership for upholding security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific Region.