Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Kaushal Samman: PM – VIKAS

News: Since the British era, artisans and craftsmen have been going extinct in India. By using a variety of strategies, the Indian government is working to improve the nation’s economic standing while preserving its rich cultural heritage. One such programme is the Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Kaushal Samman. During the presentation of the budget, Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman, the minister of finance, announced the programme.


  • The scheme’s primary goal is to raise the standing of the nation’s artisans.
  • The plan will succeed in its goal by raising the level of the artists’ work and expanding the market for their products.
  • The programme will be integrated into the MSME Value Chain.
  • The plan will give the craftspeople financial assistance.
  • There will be held training and skill development programmes for traditional and ancient crafts. People will be pushed to pick up the skill
  • The training programmes will teach the most recent technological abilities. The newest technologies will be taught to artisans so they can produce work that is more productive and profitable. This must be done without interfering with the craft-making tradition’s established procedures.
  • The programme attempts to increase India’s independence. Additionally, it will improve India’s standing abroad. Many Indian arts and crafts are still in high demand on the international market. For instance, Rajai and Kashmiri shawls are well-known in countries like Turkey and Iran.
  • Vishwakarma is regarded as the god of crafts in Hinduism. For gods, he crafts chariots, armaments, and castles. He constructed Indraprastha for the Pandavas, Dwarka for Lord Krishna, and Lanka Palace for Ravan.