Key Features of the Bill:

  • The Bill allows interception of postal articles based on grounds such as state security, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, and emergencies.
  • Empowers the Union government to intercept, open, or detain postal items, which may be disposed of as deemed appropriate.
  • Exempts the Post Office from liability except in cases of fraudulent actions or wilful negligence.
  • Eliminates specified offenses and penalties related to postal article theft, misappropriation, or destruction.

Concerns Raised :

  • Concerns about state surveillance, the absence of interception ground clarifications, and arbitrary exercise of interception powers are highlighted.
  • Lack of grievance redressal mechanisms and citizen notification regarding interception actions are pointed out as infringements of natural justice principles.
Supreme Court Rulings : Supreme Court rulings like PUCL vs. Union of India and Justice KS Puttaswamy vs. Union of India stress the need for privacy safeguards and due process in state surveillance.