Issue in focus: Air Pollution

About Air Pollution Solutions:

  • Long-Term Approach: Recognizes air pollutants’ redistribution; advocates a science-based, long-term strategy.
  • Airshed Approach: This approach Proposes addressing air pollution beyond local boundaries; considers the lifetime of pollutants; emphasizes science-based collective action.
Source: Daily Guardian

Challenges and Mitigation:

  • Construction Dust: Stresses adherence to guidelines; suggests economic development and health align with air quality goals; advocates focused strategies over indiscriminate measures.
  • Stubble Burning: Recommends backwardly shifting winter crop sowing; optimistic about waste-to-energy solutions; acknowledges the need for a feasible policy.

Evaluation of Measures:

  • Odd-Even Schemes: Questions the efficacy, targets only a small fraction of pollution contributors; challenges the cost-benefit ratio.
  • Cloud Seeding: Acknowledges potential but emphasizes the dependence on cloud presence; highlights cloud microphysics complexity.
  • Air Purifiers: Explains principles, emphasizing limitations due to source capacity; notes their reduced effectiveness as pollution levels rise.