Why in the news?

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi will travel to Italy for the G7 summit from June 13-15, marking his first international trip after starting his third term in office.
  • The summit will focus on the Ukraine war and Gaza conflict, with leaders like US President Joe Biden and France’s Emmanuel Macron attending.

About Group of Seven (G7):

  • Formation: Intergovernmental organization formed in 1975.
  • Purpose: Discuss global economic governance, international security, and energy policy.
  • Members: UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, US.
  • G20 Membership: All G7 countries and India are part of G20.
  • Structure: No formal charter or secretariat; annual rotating presidency sets the agenda.
  • Policy Development: Sherpas, ministers, and envoys develop policy initiatives before the summit.
Key points: Italy:

  • Location: Southern and Western Europe, bordered by the Alps and the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Borders: France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Vatican City, and San Marino.
  • Leadership: President- Sergio Mattarella and Prime Minister- Giorgia Meloni.
  • Industrial Strength: Second-largest manufacturing industry in Europe.
  • Cultural Significance: Contributions in art, music, literature, cuisine, fashion, science, and technology.
  • World Heritage Sites: Holds the most World Heritage Sites globally, with a total of 59.
  • International Alliances: Founding and leading member of the European Union, NATO, and G7.

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