Paris Agreement and Global Stocktake Process


  • India has pushed world leaders to uphold the values of equity and climate justice while implementing the Paris Agreement in its entirety through the Global Stocktake process at the COP28 global climate talks.
  • Speaking during the COP28’s closing plenary, Minister of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change stated that the world has been reinforced in its commitment to upholding the temperature targets set in Paris by our collective efforts.
  • The first Global Stocktake agreement, also known as the UAE consensus, was reached after nearly two weeks of intense negotiations.
  • It calls on nations to step up their efforts to phase out unabated coal power, a move that came as a shock to China and India, who had fiercely opposed the singling out of coal.
Paris Aagreement

●   A global accord to fight climate change is known as the Paris Agreement.

●   With the goal of lowering greenhouse gas emissions globally and thereby lowering the threat of dangerous climate change, the governments of 195 countries convened in Paris, France, from November 30 to December 11, 2015, to discuss potential new global climate agreements.

●   The 29 articles in the 32-page Paris Agreement are widely acknowledged as a historic agreement for curbing global warming.

●  The Paris Agreement’s objectives are as follows:

○  Limit the increase in global temperature this century to less than 2 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels.

○  Make attempts to keep the rise in temperature to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius.

○  Improve countries’ ability to deal with the effects of climate change.

Global Stockate Process

●   A mechanism for periodic reviews, the Global Stocktake was established in 2015 as part of the Paris Agreement.

●   Every five years, there is a stocktake, and the first one is set to end at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) at the end of 2023.

●   Evaluating national initiatives to cut greenhouse gas emissions and switch to renewable energy sources is one of its main goals.

●   The purpose of the stocktake is to hold nations responsible and motivate them to gradually raise their aspirations regarding climate change.

●   Along with their commitments in Paris in 2015, nations also pledged to periodically assess or evaluate the progress each nation has made in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions.