P.T. Usha joins Vice-Chairman Panel in Rajya Sabha

Why in the News?

Recently, athlete P.T. Usha has been nominated as Rajya Sabha member and is now on the panel of Vice-Chairman of the House.


  • Article 80(1)(a) read with Article 80(3) of the Constitution of India provides that the President can nominate to Rajya Sabha, 12 persons having special knowledge, or practical experience in respect of literature, science, art and social service.

Role of nominated members

  • Nominated members of Rajya Sabha enjoy all the powers and privileges to which the elected MPs are entitled.
  • Despite complaints that some of the nominated members attend seldom and don’t seem particularly interested in legislative work, they are still permitted to participate in House sessions as usual.
  • Actress Rekha, cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, and businesswoman Anu Aga have all received criticism in this regard in recent years.
  • Members who have been nominated are not permitted to cast presidential election ballots.
  • They are eligible to cast a ballot in the vice president election.




  • Rajya Sabha gives “an opportunity, perhaps, to seasoned people who may not be in the thickest of the political fray, but who might be willing to participate in the debate with an amount of learning and importance which we do not ordinarily associate with the House of the People”.