Why in the News?

  • India imports and consumes oil from genetically modified (GM) crops. The government argues that opposition to GM technology is unfounded, hurting farmers and industry.
  • Centre asserts that banning the commercial release of GM crops, like the Dhara Mustard Hybrid-11, would be detrimental to Indian agriculture.
Source : Chanakya Mandal

Importance of GM Technology:

  • Mustard plays a crucial role in India’s edible oil production, with 55-60% imported.
  • The government cites economic losses due to weeds and the effectiveness of Herbicide Tolerant (HT) crops.
  • Imports include large quantities of GM oilseeds like canola and soybean oil.
About Genetically Modified (GM) Crops

·   Definition: GM foods result from artificial modifications of plant genes, typically involving the insertion of genetic material from other organisms.

·   Golden Rice: Well-known GM rice variety enriched with Vitamin A, created by inserting genes from daffodils, maize, and a soil bacterium.

·   Indian Scenario:

  • Bt Cotton: India has granted approval for the commercial cultivation of Bt cotton, the only approved GM crop.
  • No Approval for Food Crops: Despite 20 GM crops undergoing confined field trials, no GM food crop has received commercial cultivation approval in India.

About Herbicide Tolerant (HT) Crops

·   Plants genetically modified to withstand specific herbicides.

·   Enables targeted weed control without harming the main crop.

·   Enhances crop yield and reduces manual weeding efforts.