One Election, Many Problems


  • GS 2: Representation of people’s Act

Why in the News?

The “one Nation, one Election” debate highlights concerns about its impact on democracy, which critics say centralizes power, weakens voter choice, and can reduce accountability and local representation.


  • Proposal of “one nation, one Election” threatens India’s democratic principles by centralizing power and limiting electoral choice.
  • According to Supporters it will simplify governance and save costs, on the other hand it undermines the democratic process and ignoring the needs of states and citizens.

Controversy surrounds ONOE

  • Lot of controversy on concept of One Nation, One Election (ONOE) has sparked debate in India.
  • For some it is an effective electoral reform, for others it poses a serious threat to the country’s government structure and democratic principles.

Concept of Federalism

  • ONOE is undermining the Indian federal system of government by pushing for simultaneous elections at the central and state levels.
  • ONOE encourages Centralization of power, that threatens the independence of state governments, submitting them to national politics.
  • Diversity of Indian states balance regional voices and priorities that needs to be addressed separately.

Electoral bonds Transparency

  • BJP-led NDA government introduced Electoral bonds have raised concerns over transparency.
  • Bonds allow corporations to donate money to political parties, often resulting in quid pro quo arrangements.
  • Opaqueness in system undermines the principle of fair elections, where power and influence distort people’s choices.
  • Even after Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional, the central government can still raise huge amounts of money for electoral gains.

Democracy Post elections

  • In democracy elections are important, but ONOE considers them the sole focus of democracy.
  • Democracy requires more than just occasional elections.
  • It requires a dynamic engagement between voting, deliberation, and accountability.
  • Holding elections only once every five years could create a situation where unpopular governments remain in power without being accountable to the people, reducing the role of opposition.

Electoral Commission inefficiency

  • Supporters of ONOE argue that frequent elections create unnecessary costs and slow down governance.
  • But the problem lies largely in the inefficiency of the electoral process and planning.
  • Reforms to Election Commission policies, such as the modernization of the Model Code of Conduct and clubbing of national elections, could address these issues without overhauling the entire system.

Cost Saving: Illusionary Argument

  • Even though supporters believe that ONOE would save public money, election costs play a role in a participatory and inclusive democratic process.
  • While reducing the frequency of elections is not the way forward, regulating excessive spending during elections should be the course of action.

Threats of Undemocratic Governments

  • ONOE could, therefore, result in states being left in the hands of oppressive governments since elections are held concurrently thereby superceding the process of democracy and privilege the election calendar above the people.
  • It also leads to dominant national parties reducing regional affairs and governance at the state level being very weak.

Benefits of ONOE

Model Code of Conduct issues

  • Issues: According to Critics MCC undermines governance by limiting social welfare measures during elections. This can impede the use of essential government services like issuance of aadhaar card.
  • Way ahead: MCC guideline of EC in India must be updated in consultation with political parties and civil society.
  • Proactive EC can better manage voting restrictions and reduce delays.
  • This includes simplifying the electoral process, which in recent elections has stretched for more than a month.

Gradual Reforms Need of hour

  • ONOE Supporters argue that radical reform is needed to address the inefficiencies of the Indian electoral system.
  • Future Approach: Gradually Changes should be implemented rather than making major changes.
  • EC should focus on improving the current election process and system by clubbing assembly elections to reduce logistical challenges.
  • These small-scale approaches can accommodate changes more effectively.

Question of Finance

  • Cost-Effective: It is argued that simultaneous election cycles would reduce public spending.
  • Strengthening election and voting procedures may save money, there are costs to maintaining a participatory and inclusive democratic process.
  • The main issue is not just saving money but regulating higher election spending.
  • Independent bodies such as the EC and the Supreme Court should introduce tighter controls on campaign finance to curb excessive spending.

Efficiency and overhaul

  • Having fewer elections can improve operational efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Solution: This can be achieved by making the current voting system more efficient rather than reforming it.
  • It improves electoral process and organization rather than simplifying the election cycle.

Drawbacks of ONOE

Upper hand for National Party

  • National issues can influence voters giving Ruling parties an unequal advantage in holding simultaneous elections for the central and state governments, which undermines the autonomy of state government.

Dangers of unpopular regimes

  • Lack of transition in state governance: Countries may face prolonged unpopular governance if they lose public support but have to continue until the next synchronized election cycle.
  • This reduces the responsiveness of governments to changing public sentiment.

Destruction of democratic values

  • Democracy becomes secondary in the electoral calendar because it prioritizes electoral process.
  • The basic tenet of democracy — that elections should serve democratic values ​​— can be undermined.

Central Government Responsibility

  • Public concerns will not be of much importance to central government that is assured of stability.
  • Nowadays, elections hold governments accountable, forcing them to engage with voters, meet their needs and justify their policies.

Democratic Accountability

  • Elections are important in a democracy: In the absence of fully independent institutions, elections are one of the few occasions when citizens can hold the government accountable.
  • ONOE can reduce the importance of voters’ voices in elections.


One Nation, One Election aims to reform current electoral process but it also has risks like undermining democratic representation and responsiveness. Electoral reform must balance efficiency with preserving the voice of citizens and ensure accountable governance.

Source: Indian Express

Mains Practice Question:

Critically analyse the statement “Democracy is beyond election” in context of One nation one election highlighting its potential impact on citizen participation in democracy.