
GS 3: 

  • Investment Models.
  • Indian Economy and issues relating to Growth and Development.

Why in the News?

  • India’s economic trajectory continues to outperform expectations, registering a robust 7.6% GDP growth in the National Statistical Office’s second advance estimate, surpassing earlier projections. 
  • This resilience, coupled with a government focus on fiscal consolidation, is pivotal for sustaining high growth rates.
Source: The Print

GDP Growth Dynamics:

  • Surprising Upside:
  • The revised GDP growth of 7.6% for the fiscal year signifies a positive economic momentum, driven by additional data and rising net taxes.
  • Gross value added, excluding net tax impact, grew slightly lower at 6.9%.
  • Year-End Projection:
  • With the first three quarters averaging an 8.2% growth, the implied fourth-quarter growth is 5.9%.
  • Despite being below pre-pandemic levels, India’s economy is on a trajectory towards 7% growth.
Understanding Advance Estimates

Advance estimates of GDP are pivotal for economic planning and policy formulation. They provide early insights into the anticipated performance of key sectors, aiding decision-making processes.

Formation Process:

·    Data Evaluation: Central Statistics Office (CSO) formulates advance estimates by analyzing data from previous years and conducting surveys across various ministries.

·    Sector-Specific Estimates: Advance estimates cover various sectors, including agriculture and horticulture, projecting production for the upcoming fiscal year.

·    Timeline: These estimates are released months before the end of the financial year, providing timely insights for planning and policy formulation.

Types of Advance Estimates:

1.   1st Advance Estimates: 

Typically released in early January, these estimates set the initial forecast for GDP growth in the upcoming fiscal year.

2.   2nd Advance Estimates:

Published in the last week of February, these estimates follow the annual budget announcement and provide updated GDP growth projections.

3.   3rd Advance Estimates: 

Specifically focusing on agriculture and horticulture, these estimates offer sector-specific insights based on data from states and surveys.

4.   4th Advance Estimates: 

The final quarterly estimates before the end of the financial year, these projections offer a comprehensive overview of agriculture production.

Significance of Advance Estimates:

·    Budget Allocation: Advance estimates guide the finance ministry in allocating budgetary resources effectively.

·    Economic Planning: They offer a broad overview of the economy’s expected performance, aiding in policy formulation and decision-making processes.

Factors Influencing Growth:

  • Strengthened bank and corporate balance sheets contribute to improved growth performance.
  • The government’s infrastructure focus enhances growth potential.
  • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), projecting a 7% GDP growth for the next year, faces limitations due to high-interest rates and reduced fiscal impulse, potentially normalizing demand and net tax impact.

Private Consumption and Savings Analysis:

  • Consumption Trends: 
  • Private consumption growth at 3% lags behind overall GDP growth.
  • Rural consumption, affected by high food inflation, particularly suffers, impacting discretionary spending.
  • Shifting Consumption Patterns:
  • Data reveals a shift in household consumption towards non-food items, reflecting rising per capita income.
  • Adjusting consumer price index weights becomes crucial, considering these changing consumption patterns.
  • Savings Overview:
  • Household savings, comprising 61% of total savings, have seen a decline in their GDP share to 18.4%.
  • Net financial savings witness a dip, while physical savings rise, reflecting increased borrowings for acquiring assets like houses.

Investment Scenario:

  • Corporate Investments: 
  • Comprehensive data on investments reveals public and household investments as leading contributors in fiscal 2022-23.
  • Private corporate investment remains stagnant, highlighting the need for a definitive revival.
  • Current Fiscal Dynamics:
  • The ongoing fiscal year sees signs of corporate investment picking up, driven by the Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme, especially in pharmaceuticals and electronics.
  • The shift towards core/capital-intensive segments is anticipated.

Government Initiatives to Attract Investments

Empowered Group of Secretaries (EGoS) and Project Development Cells (PDCs):

  • Establishment: EGoS and PDCs set up by the Union Cabinet to expedite investments in collaboration with state governments.
  • Objective: To enhance India’s pipeline of investable projects and attract more FDI and domestic investments.

National Monetization Pipeline (NMP):

  • Launch: Introduced in 2021 to showcase available investment opportunities in infrastructure.
  • Value: Over four years, the NMP’s indicative value for the Central Government’s core assets is estimated at Rs. 6 lakh crore.

Business Reforms Action Plan:

  • DPIIT’s Business Reforms Action Plan ranks states/UTs based on their implementation of reform parameters.
  • Reform Areas: The Business Reforms Action Plan by DPIIT streamlines rules, focuses on key areas, and ranks states and UTs based on designated reform parameters.

Investor-Friendly Strategy:

  • Accessible FDI: Majority of sectors allow 100% FDI under the automatic route.
  • Policy Revision: FDI policy is regularly updated after extensive consultations with stakeholders to maintain India’s attractiveness for investors.

Four Labour Codes:

  • Streamlining: Government has consolidated 29 Central Labour Laws into four codes to simplify conducting business.
  • Codes: Includes the Code on Wages, Industrial Relations Code, Code on Social Security, and Code on Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Conditions.

Concessional Tax Rate:

  • Extension: Concessional tax rate of 15% extended to new domestic companies setting up manufacturing units until March 31, 2024.

India Industrial Land Bank (IILB):

  • Introduction: GIS-based portal providing comprehensive industrial infrastructure-related information.
  • Features: Includes connectivity, infrastructure details, terrain information, vacant plot details, line of activity, and contact information.

Phased Manufacturing Programme (PMP):

  • Promotion: Launched to promote domestic manufacturing of electric vehicles and related components.
  • Objective: Encourage indigenous production of assemblies, sub-assemblies, parts, and inputs.

National Single Window System (NSWS):

  • Launch: Introduced to streamline approvals and clearances for investors through a single window.
  • Benefits: Enhances transparency, accountability, and responsiveness in the ecosystem.

PLI schemes

  • Impact: Aimed at generating additional production worth Rs. 30 lakh crore and creating employment opportunities for 60 lakh people over the next five years.

Way Forward:

  • Corporate Sector Preparedness: The private corporate sector, poised for investments, could benefit from reduced policy uncertainty and compliance costs, fostering a conducive environment for economic growth.
  • Revival of Private Investments: A broad-based revival of private investments becomes crucial for sustained high growth rates, especially as the government moderates its investments, emphasizing fiscal consolidation.


India’s economic landscape exhibits resilience and growth potential, driven by strengthened fundamentals. A strategic focus on private investments, coupled with addressing policy uncertainties, is imperative for navigating the path to sustained economic prosperity.




Mains Practice Question:

Analyse the challenges and opportunities associated with private sector revival and its implications for India’s economic trajectory.