Why in the news?

Judges and bureaucrats joining politics raise concerns about neutrality and independence post-retirement, prompting debates on restrictions.


Restrictions on Judges and Bureaucrats:

  • Judges and senior government officials face constitutional restrictions on employment after leaving office to ensure independence.
  • Post-retirement, judges of Supreme Court and High Courts cannot practise law, and CAG or Public Service Commission members cannot take up government employment.
  • These safeguards prevent favouritism and maintain impartiality during their tenures, aiming to avoid post-retirement benefits linked to government influence.
What is the Collegium System ?

●   The Collegium System involves a five-member body headed by the Chief Justice of India for Supreme Court appointments.

●   High Court collegiums consist of the Chief Justice and two senior judges.

About Constitutional provisions related to the appointment of judges:

●   Articles 124(2) and 217: These articles of the Constitution govern the appointment of judges to the Supreme Court and High Courts respectively.

●   Presidential Consultations: The President is mandated to consult with judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts regarding these appointments.