Odisha wins World Habitat Award 2023 for its JAGA Mission

News: The Odisha government’s JAGA (Odisha Liveable Habitat Mission) Mission slum redevelopment and land titling programme has won the 2023 World Habitat Awards from UN-Habitat. It received a bronze medal this year.


  • This is the program’s second time winning the World Habitat Award from UN-Habitat. For its achievement in giving slum dwellers secure land tenure, the initiative won the World Habitat Awards in 2019.
  • Every year, World Habitat, a UK-based organisation, presents this prize in collaboration with UN-Habitat in honour of excellent, ground-breaking, and creative plans, projects, and initiatives from around the globe.
  • Government of Odisha’s JAGA Mission Plan
  • The Odisha Land Rights to Slum Dwellers Act, 2017, and the JAGA Mission were both launched by the state government of Odisha in May 2018.
  • The endeavour is the biggest slum titling and upgrading project in the world.
  • By the end of 2023, Odisha is supposed to be the first state in India without any slums.

Achievements of the scheme

  • Out of the 2,919 slums in the state, 100% of households in 2,724 slums have been given pipe water connections, 707 slums have completely transformed into liveable habitats, 100% of households in 666 slums have individual toilets, and 8 cities have become slum-free, according to the state government under the JAGA mission.
  • 1,75,000 people have received secure land tenure during the past five years.