Why in the news?

NIIF’s $200 million investment in iBUS aims to enhance India’s digital infrastructure, aligning with iBUS’s connectivity transformation vision.

About the Investment Details:

  • has injected $200 million into iBUS Network and Infrastructure Pvt Ltd.
  • The investment aims to bolster India’s digital infrastructure growth.
  • Funds will facilitate iBUS’s expansion through both organic and inorganic means.
  • Focus areas include in-building solutions, outdoor small cells, managed Wi-Fi services, and venturing into emerging sectors like IoT solutions.
  • Development of new infrastructure solutions to meet market demands and technological advancements is also on the agenda.
What is the National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF)?

  • Establishment andObjectives:

○   Founded in 2015, NIIF is India’s inaugural sovereign wealth fund.

➢  Anchored by the Government of India and global institutional investors.

➢  Aims to boost infrastructure financing, targeting greenfield, brownfield, and stalled projects.

○   Focuses on optimising economic impact through infrastructure investments.

Types of NIIF Funds:

  • Master Fund:

·    Invests in infrastructure projects like roads, ports, airports, and power.

·    Also targets established enterprises with long-term agreements in regulated sectors.

  • Fund of Funds:

·    Invests in funds managed by reputable managers.

·    Acts as anchor investors, attracting institutional investments.

  • Strategic Fund:

·    Registered as Alternative Fund II with SEBI.

·    Primarily focuses on equity and equity-linked instruments.

  • Regulatory Status:

All funds registered as Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) with SEBI.
