New Delhi Declaration: A Beacon of Hope.


  • GS Paper 2 Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.
  • Important International institutions.
  • Tags: #NEWDELHIDECLARATION #G20 #india #globalsouth #currentaffairs #upsc.


Why in the News?

  • India received consensus on New Delhi declaration during G20 Summit. In a world plagued by geopolitical tensions, India has achieved a significant victory that holds promise for a more harmonious global landscape.
  • Despite initial doubts about the ability of the G20 Sherpas to reach a consensus at their New Delhi summit, world leaders surprised observers by coming together over the weekend to declare a thorny issue resolved and issue a joint statement.
  • This unexpected turn of events stands as a significant achievement for India, whose G20 presidency exemplifies the potential of an increasingly influential Indian voice on the global stage.

Diplomatic Maneuvers in a Geopolitical Minefield

  • The backdrop against which this achievement unfolded was a world marked by the looming specter of war, with China and Russia locked in a standoff with the West over Ukraine.
  • India’s skilled diplomacy played a pivotal role in nudging both sides toward compromise. Notably, the wording in the 2023 declaration shifted from “war against Ukraine” in the previous year’s Bali G20 declaration to “war in Ukraine.”
  • This adjustment resonated with Russia, which welcomed the absence of any direct mention as an aggressor and instead found a general acknowledgment of the global imperative to uphold UN rules prohibiting the use of force for territorial gain.
  • While this marked a concession by the West, it is worth noting that the text still included a veiled criticism, emphasizing the need for a world devoid of warfare.

The Path to a Substantive Outcome

  • A deeper examination reveals the potential gains for the world stemming from Russia’s own willingness to compromise.
  • The G20, in unison, called for a revival of the Black Sea grain deal, putting pressure on Moscow to ease its export restrictions and address the shortages it had caused.

India: A Champion of the Global South

  • India’s role as a neutral mediator was instrumental in persuading both sides to bend. Furthermore, India championed the interests of the Global South, a commitment solidified by the African Union’s inclusion as a permanent member of the G20.
  • As the 55-state regional grouping joined as a bloc, it enjoyed a privilege previously reserved for the EU alone. India’s advocacy for the Global South was evident in various other agreements, including the group’s approach to debt relief, climate challenges, and global governance.
  • The G20’s focus on reforming multilateral institutions for improved outcomes signals a step in the right direction. The world will closely monitor how institutional power evolves within the existing world order, but these commitments serve as an encouraging starting point.

A Call for Inclusive Global Engagement

  • As China seeks a similar role through significant financial overtures, it is vital for the West to embrace a more inclusive approach to global engagement.
  • If the allure of BRICS as an anti-Western forum is to wane across the emerging world, a broader and more genuine embrace of global inclusivity is imperative.

“America is Back”

  • The declaration also marked a more resolute return of the United States to the global stage. This was evidenced by plans for a trade corridor announced by India, the US, EU, Saudi Arabia, and others—an ambitious ‘Silk Route’ of the digital age connecting the subcontinent to Europe. This initiative not only supports our supply chain ambitions but also serves as a counter to China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

In summary, the New Delhi Declaration embodies hope for a world grappling with economic challenges and shaken by geopolitical tensions. India’s adept leadership succeeded in averting a G20 split and securing consensus on a wide array of critical issues. However, translating the spirit of ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future’ into reality in today’s fractious world remains a formidable challenge. The timeline for bridging the gap between G20 rhetoric and tangible results remains uncertain at best.


Features of the New Delhi Declaration.

1. Structural Innovation: Departing from the conventional paragraph structure, the declaration adopts a distinctive format with a preamble, ten chapters, and a concluding section.

2. Detailed Ukraine Resolution: The document provides an extensive discussion on the Ukraine-Russia conflict, surpassing the brevity of the Bali Declaration, without explicitly condemning Russia’s actions.

3. Economic Focus: Emphasizing strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive growth, it addresses issues like financial inclusion, anti-corruption measures, and the Action Plan against Fugitive Economic Offenders to enhance international cooperation.

4. Progress on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): It outlines commitments to eradicate hunger and malnutrition, promote health collaboration, improve education (including digital resources), and assess pandemic impact on economies.

5. Green Development: The declaration highlights the importance of clean, sustainable, and affordable energy transitions and emphasizes building reliable and sustainable value chains for critical minerals and semiconductors.

6. Multilateral Institutions: It calls for reforming international financial institutions, including the historic agreement on UN Security Council reform and efforts to enhance Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs). Additionally, it addresses debt vulnerabilities and crypto asset tax information exchange.

7. Technological Transformation: This section covers digital public infrastructure, crypto-assets, and responsible AI use. It introduces a G20 framework for digital public infrastructure and endorses a global regulatory framework for crypto-assets.

8. Gender Equality: The declaration promotes equal economic rights, property ownership, and financial services for women. It supports women’s organizations, closing gender gaps in agriculture, and establishes a working group on women’s empowerment.

9. Counterterrorism and Anti-Money Laundering: It condemns terrorism in all forms, emphasizing international peace and security.

10. Inclusivity: India’s G20 Presidency ensures the African Union’s permanent membership, fosters respect for religious and cultural diversity, and denounces religious hatred.

11. Presidential Commitment: Demonstrates a strong commitment to future G20 Presidencies, including Brazil in 2024, South Africa in 2025, and the US in 2026.

12. Engagement Groups: Recognizes the importance of all Engagement Groups and Initiatives under India’s G20 Presidency.

13. Democratization of Diplomacy: Sets a new standard for G20 outreach by conducting over 200 meetings in 60 Indian cities, emphasizing the democratization of diplomacy.


Sources: Livemint.

Mains Question:

“Discuss the unique features and significance of the New Delhi Declaration in the context of the G20 summit. How does it reflect India’s role and diplomatic achievements in addressing global challenges? 250words.