Why in the News?

  • Key moments in the Russia-Ukraine conflict highlight decisive shifts in combat dynamics.
  • Ukraine’s coordinated attack on Russian naval targets in Sevastopol altered the course of the naval war.
Source: Britanica

Geography and Technology Impact:

  • The Black Sea’s narrow waterways played a crucial role in the conflict’s outcome.
  • Access to advanced technology and Western arms influenced the conflict in Ukraine’s favour.

Limited Utility of Naval Blockade:

  • Russian blockade faced challenges; Ukraine operationalized humanitarian corridors.
  • Naval blockades prove less effective in active conflict, limiting their utility.

Emergence of Combat Drones:

  • Combat drones played a significant role in the conflict, affecting the outcome.
  • Loss of the Russian flagship Moskva attributed partly to drone warfare.

Littoral Warfare Strategies:

  • Shore-based missiles and creative use of limited naval capabilities demonstrated effectiveness.
  • Targeting adversary’s logistics sites and innovative technology usage deterred stronger opponents.

Importance of Ship Design and Crew Competence:

  • Ship design and crew competence crucial for survival in war.
  • Crew errors in handling crises aboard the Moskva underscored the importance of training.

Lesson for Naval Leaders:

  • Success in contemporary naval battles depends on nonlinear strategies.
  • Thinking beyond traditional methods and adapting to the situation is crucial for victory.