National Service Project in line with Swachh Bharat Abhiyan to create awareness of Clean India in the college premises and surrounding villages.

Building a platform for volunteers to learn how to lead a better life in the face of scarcity of resources.

Adopt a village and organize several awareness programs in that village.


To inculcate in the students the idea of ​​social welfare and to render service to the society without bias.

To raise awareness through our volunteering to raise the standard of living of everyone in need and lead a dignified life.

To engage in understanding leadership qualities and democratic attitudes.

  1. To enable NSS students to perform service work in the community.
  2. To identify the needs and problems in the communities of the society and enable them to engage themselves in their solution.
  3. To call on students to develop a sense of social and civic responsibility.
  4. To develop skills necessary for group living and sharing of responsibilities.

NSS Unit of Universal School of Administration in association with department had organized number of programs through the National Service Scheme. The mission of our NSS Unit is to inculcate service spirit in the minds of our students by organizing various programs with the slogan of National Service Project, “Not Me But You”. Our mission is to convey the importance of Kayak among students through Shramadhan.


Against the background of construction of Green Campus by National Service Scheme (NSS) College Unit, NSS. More than 100 saplings were planted and watered by the students. In addition, manure was applied to the plants. Our N.S.S. Students participated with great enthusiasm and made the plantation program a success.

Objective: Construction of green campus.

Outcome: Prevention of soil erosion by eco-friendly plants.

Drumstick seeds were sown by our NSS Volunteers in packets filled along with earthworm manure and red soil in our college campus by the college unit and Volunteers were shown the method of making earthworm manure. In the background of making our college a gin campus, NSS organizes such programs for planting several saplings. Being shared by the unit.

Objective: To know the method of preparation of earthworm manure.

Outcome: Getting earthworm manure and applying it to plants.

Our volunteers had successfully completed the first phase of dealing in tube well pipe as part of recharge of rain water from unit to tube well. Under the guidance of Chairman Shri R Upendra Shetty, the deal was done to the boreal in our college campus, after which the mess was wrapped and tied tightly and the stones of the second phase were laid. Our NSS Volunteers did the third stage thick stone filling of bore well recharging. The fourth phase of bore well recharging small spill filling program was successfully completed. Our students completed the last stage of recharging the bore well and cleaned the area where the rain water flows and successfully completed the work of re-filling the bore well.

Objective: To know the method of bore well recharging.

Outcome: To collect rain water and augment ground water.

National Service Scheme (NSS) Unit had organized sapling plantation program under the guidance of our chairman Shri R Upendra Shetty, the plants were watered in the backdrop of the green campus. Date: 19/2/2022 In our college new saplings were planted by our NSS students after putting soil and manure in packets in the background.

Objective: Construction of green campus.

Outcome: The campus is beautified with lush greenery.

NSS Unit of Universal School of Administration had organized blood donation camp and health awareness camp, Volunteers visited every village in & around of our college, went door to door and gave pamphlets about blood donation camp and health camp and did an awareness program to participate in the camp.

Objective: To convey the importance of blood donation.

Outcome: To maintain health by donating blood.

Our NSS Volunteer had mixed manure and soil and dug pits and planted plants in those pits. NSS unit of Universal School of Administration had planted 500 papayas by our volunteers in our campus. Our NSS Volunteers planted and watered in the second phase of Papaya plantation program.

Objective:  To plant fruit trees.

Outcome: The students eat the fruits grown in the orchard.

NSS Unit of Universal School of Administration had planted Walnut trees as part of the green campus in our college premises. As a part of green campus, they planted 500 walnut trees in & around the campus and cultivated the love & affection towards the environment. NSS Volunteers of our institute have successfully planted 300 walnuts in the second phase by greening our campus.

Objective: Planting of nut trees around the college.

Outcome: Green campus.

Our NSS Volunteers painted and cleaned the Dinning mess area in our college as part of dedication program at Universal School of Administration. Our NSS Volunteers did a wonderful job by writing numbers by color for all the plants and trees in our college, surveying how many species of plants on variety types of species.

Objective: To convey the importance of Shram Dana.

Outcome: Realizing the hard work of the toilers through Shram Dana.

Universal School of Administration’s NSS volunteers had participated in road accident prevention awareness day program held in collaboration with District Health and Family Welfare Department, Youth Empowerment and Sports Department and participated in Jatha about road safety and succeeded in gaining awareness.

Objective: To bring awareness about Road Accident Prevention Day.

Outcome: To be aware of road accidents.

Universal School of Administration’s NSS Volunteers had cleaned the bus stand of Lakkayanapalya, a village adjacent to our college and removed all the garbage from it and washed it with water. They have cleaned the bus station beautifully and made it fit for Public usage.

Objective: To respect community work.

Outcome: Community participation.

National Service Scheme (NSS) Camp is organized by Universal School of Administration with the vision of personality development of students through community service and development of rural areas of India. A 7 days camp was conducted. As part of the NSS committee, we undertook various activities in the village to promote interaction with the villagers and used the NSS platform to create awareness on various social issues.

Thus, our NSS unit has been very successfully created awareness about environmental care and nature among the students through various programs. N.S.S Program officer Dr Ramakrishna HK with the efficiency and the environmental concern of our Chairman Shri R Upendra Shetty they Supported NSS unit is working very efficiently with their co-operation.

Understand the community in which they work

Understand themselves in relation to their community

Developing them a sense of social and civic responsibility

Gain skills in mobilizing community participation

Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude

Installation of Borewell rechargeable plant

Health & Hygiene Awareness program @ Halli

Rood accident awareness rally @ Kantirava stadium

Bus stand clinginess drive

Price Distribution ceremony for NSS Volunteers

NSS Volunteers had planned outreach program for betterment of Govt School

Plantation of Arecont plants

Blood donation program @ Bangalore University

Blood donation camp @ Founder’s day

NSS @ Vidhan soudha

CRY NGO’s Girl Child awareness rally @ Freedom park