Why in the news?

Plastic pollution crisis in Himalayan states due to improper disposal, urbanization, and tourism; necessitates urgent action and waste management initiatives.


About Micro plastic Pollution in the Himalayas:

  • Microplastics from degraded plastic found in Himalayan mountains, rivers, lakes, impacting water sources like Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra.
  • Glacier-trapped microplastics released during snow melting, harming freshwater sources.
  • Unscientific plastic disposal leads to soil and water pollution, affecting biodiversity and downstream communities.
  • Himalayan waste audit: 92.7% trash plastic, 72% non-recyclable.
  • National Green Tribunal issues notices on waste dumping in eco-sensitive areas.
About Himalayan Mountain range:

●   Location and Division:

o   The Himalayan mountain range separates the Tibetan Plateau from the Indian subcontinent in Asia.

●   Three Ranges:

o   Divided into three ranges: Inner Himalayas, Middle Himalayas, and Outer Himalayas.

o   Himadri, or Greater Himalayas, constitutes the northernmost range.

Plastic Waste Management Amendment Rules, 2022:

  • Bans manufacture, import, sale, use of single-use plastic items from July 1, 2022.
  • Mandates Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for product collection and processing post-use.

Amrut scheme

●      Launch: June 2015

●      Concerned Ministry: Housing and Urban Affairs

●      Purpose:

o   Ensure tap water access and sewerage connections for every household.

o   Priority: Water supply, then sewerage.

o   Enhance city amenity value with green spaces.

o   Reduce pollution through public transport and non-motorized transport infrastructure.