Motion of Thanks | President D.Murmu

@newsonair - rashtrapatibhvn


  • The ‘Motion of Thanks’ on President Droupadi Murmu’s speech to the joint sitting of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha is expected to be discussed by both Houses of Parliament today i.e. February 2, 2024;
  • On January 31, 2024, the President addressed a ‘joint sitting of both Houses.

About the Discussions

  • The discussion of the Motion of Thanks regarding the President’s address and the Financial Business pertaining to the ‘Interim Union Budget’, which was presented on 1st February, 2024, will take up the majority of the current Interim Budget session and additionally, there will be a discussion on ‘vote on the Supplementary Demands for Grants’ for the Year 2023–2024;
  • During this session, the Supplementary Demands for Grants J&K for the fiscal year 2023–24 as well as the Interim Budget of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir for 2024–25 will be discussed and voted on.

Various Terms Explanation

Motion of Thanks

  • About:
    • Article 87 stipulates the President’s special address and according to the article, the President shall address both Houses of Parliament together at the opening of the first session following each general election to the House of the People and at the opening of the first session of each year, informing Parliament of the reasons for its summons;
    • This type of address is known as a “special address” and is a yearly event;
    • This Address must be given to the Joint Session of both Houses of Parliament;
    • The President’s address, known as the ‘speech from the Throne in Britain’, is debated in both Houses of Parliament on a motion known as the ‘Motion of Thanks’.
  • The President’s Address’s contents:
    • As the government’s policy statement, the President’s Address is drafted by the government and it outlines the policies, projects, and programs that the current government intends to pursue with regard to the significant domestic and global issues, as well as a review of the government’s accomplishments and activities over the course of the previous year;
    • Additionally, the Address lists, in general terms, the legislative matters that are planned to be discussed during that year’s sessions;
    • The Motion of Thanks is adopted in its amended form if any of the proposed amendments are approved ( the amendments may address issues that the member believes the President’s address has neglected to address). The motion is put to a vote after the discussion.
  • The significance of a motion of thanks: The House must approve the Motion of Thanks. Otherwise, it means the government has been defeated. It is also one method by which the Lok Sabha can convey its lack of faith in the administration.

Joint Sitting of Parliament

  • In India, a joint session of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha is when both houses of parliament are seated together as a single body;
  • Article 108 of the Constitution states that the following circumstances allow for the calling of a joint session of parliament:
    • when a bill has been approved by the Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha but is either not returned or is rejected by the other house of Parliament before a deadline. To break the impasse and enable the bill to pass in this situation, a joint sitting may be called;
    • When both houses of Parliament pass a bill, the President returns it to Parliament for reconsideration. In this situation, a joint sitting might be called to review and, if needed, pass the bill once more.
  • Provisions for Joint Sitting are:
    1. The Lok Sabha Speaker serves as the chairperson during joint sessions;
    2. The joint sitting procedure is governed by the same rules of procedure as the Lok Sabha;
    3. A joint sitting requires a tenth of the total members of both houses to be present;
    4. Generally speaking, joint sittings are only called as a last resort after all other avenues of settling disagreements between the two houses of Parliament have been exhausted;
    5. Their purpose is to guarantee the passage of significant legislation and the respect of the majority’s will.
  • NOTE: Only three times since 1950 has the provision allowing for joint sittings of the two Houses been invoked. The laws enacted during joint sessions are:
    • The 1960, Dowry Prohibition Bill;
    • The 1977, Banking Service Commission (now repealed) Bill;
    • The 2002, Prevention of Terrorism Bill.

Budgeting in India

  • Constitutional Facts:
    • As per the Indian Constitution’s Article 112, the Annual Financial Statement (AFS) is the name given to the Union Budget for a given year;
    • It is an estimate of the government’s receipts and outlays for a fiscal year, which runs from April 1st of the current year to March 31st of the following year.
  • About the Budget:
    • A budget projects income and expenses for a given time period, usually a year. It serves as a tool for managing financial resources and accomplishing particular objectives like resource mobilization and fiscal consolidation, among others.
    • Prepared by the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Ministry of Finance, budget division.
    • The nation’s financial resources are managed and the government’s social and economic policies are carried out through the use of the budget.
    • Making educated decisions about taxation and spending, as well as identifying possible economic risks and opportunities, is facilitated by the budget.
  • In general, the Budget includes:
    • Estimates of capital receipts and revenue;
    • Strategies for increasing revenue;
    • Estimates of spending, a breakdown of the final fiscal year’s actual receipts and outlays, along with the reasons for any surplus or deficit, and the proposed taxation, revenue prospects, spending plan, and launch of new initiatives are all examples of the economic and financial policy for the upcoming year.

Constitutional Requirements which makes Budget Important


Article 112 The President shall, every financial year, cause to lay an annual financial statement before both Houses of Parliament, a statement of the estimated receipts and expenditure of the Government of India for that year.
Article 113 No demand for a grant shall be made except on the recommendation of the President.
Article 114 No amount can be withdrawn from the Consolidated Fund of India(CFI) without authorization from the Parliament.
Article 266 All revenues received by the government shall be credited to the  “Consolidated Fund of India”.


All other public money, such as provident fund, Postal insurance, etc, shall be credited to the Public Account of India.

Article 267 Parliament may by law establish a Contingency Fund of India to meet unexpected or unforeseen expenditures.

Interim budget

  • Before the general elections, the Indian government presents an interim budget.
  • Rather than covering the entire fiscal year, interim budgets typically outline the government’s proposed spending plans for the upcoming few months.
  • It is a financial position statement for the government that does not contain any new policy announcements or suggested tax changes, only estimates of revenue and expenditure for the upcoming fiscal year.
  • The rationale for the interim budget is that the government that presents it may not be in power when the full budget is presented later in the year.
  • Following the general election, the newly elected government—which will take office usually presents its complete budget.

Other Types Of Budgeting

  • Zero-Based Budgeting: This approach to budgeting requires that all costs be assessed each time a new budget is created and that they be justified for each subsequent period. Beginning with a zero base, every government function’s needs and costs are examined in zero budgeting. Next, a budget is created based on the needs.
  • Outcome Budget: The Outcome Budget evaluates each ministry’s and department’s performance as well as the reputable ministry’s use of its budgetary allocation. It assesses how well every government program has contributed to development. In 2005, it was first made available.
  • Gender-Based Budgeting: This type of budgeting is described as “restructuring revenues and expenditures in order to promote gender equality and incorporating a gender perspective at all levels of the budgetary process.” Budgeting for gender equity is the actual procedure and the government sets aside money for female development, welfare, and empowerment schemes and programs through the Gender Budget.

Vote on the Supplementary Demands for Grants

  • Supplementary Demand Grants: It is required when it is determined that the funding for a specific service authorized by the Parliament through the appropriation act will not be adequate for that year’s budget. Before the end of the fiscal year, the Parliament considers and approves this grant;
  • Associated Articles of the Constitution: Supplementary, additional, or excess grants are covered under Article 115. The Constitution’s Article 116 addresses votes on account, votes of credit, and extraordinary grants. Supplementary, additional, excess, and extraordinary grants, as well as votes of credit, are subject to the same regulations as regular budgets.


Source: newsonair

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