Ministry of tourism has invited the comments on the Draft National strategy for Rural Tourism. In this regard, explain what do you mean by rural tourism and also the basic framework of it. Also suggest a few comments for the same.


Rural tourism refers to any form of the tourism which depicts the rural life of people, art and culture, their customs and traditions. It’s a vast area to be covered in country like India. So, the government is trying to tap out the potential of it and hence made some guidelines to promote it.


Basic framework of the policy:

1) Best practices in the sector:

Rankings will be provided for State and Union territories based on the rural tourism practices they adopt

2) Infrastructure support:

Broadband internet will be setup at key areas

3) Cluster tourism:

A set of villages will be identifed and clusters will be formed. This enables relational growth.

4) Marketing support:

Schemes will be made where in local goods are marketed in such a way that there is sufficient demand all around the year.

5) Training

Vocational training for rural people will be provided which makes them to transact in a better way with the tourists

6) Governance:

State Nodal agnecies, district nodal agencies will be setup in coming days so that there is sufficient monitoring and controlling mechanisms in this regard.


Rural tourism benefits the locals of the area. There is an exchange of knowledge along with development of economy. But the tourists also need to be well behaved and does not get into conflicts with the locals. We have seen numerous instances where a large group of tourists dominating the locals. A recent incident that took place in Manali where a group of people were seen wielding their weapons in front of traffic.These practices should be curbed