Matua Dharma Maha Mela

News: The Prime Minister praised Shri Shri Harichand Thakur Ji for illuminating the way of kindness and service and asked people to attend the Matua Maha Mela in big numbers.


The mela is being held to commemorate Shri Shri Harichand Thakur ji’s 212th birthday.

It emphasizes the Matua community’s dynamic culture.

The Matua Community, popularly known as “Chandalas,” is a subset of lower-class AVARNA Hindus who are members of the Namasudra Scheduled Caste.

Harishchandra Thakur


In 1860, he started a social and religious movement in Orakandi, which is today in Bangladesh. This movement eventually gave rise to the Matua.


This religion resisted caste injustice and later attracted members from other marginalized communities, such as the Malis and Telis, to its ranks.

His followers refer to him as Thakur, a Vishnu or Krishna avatar, and consider him to be God. He was given the name Sri Sri Harichand Thakur as a result.

In Bangladesh’s Faridpur district, he passed away.

His commitment to promoting education, increasing awareness, and enhancing the status of women in society serves as a brilliant beacon of hope for us to continue down the noble path.