Why in the News?

  • The lower Cauvery delta witnessed a decline as a rice cultivation hub, impacted by reduced water availability due to changes in water-sharing arrangements.


  • During the ‘green revolution,’ it shifted from a single-crop to a double-cropped region but reverted to a single rice-crop region by 2018-2019.
  • Water supply challenges from the Cauvery, coupled with policy inadequacies, contributed to the change in crop patterns.

Cauvery River Water Dispute

 Historical Background:

  • Originating in Karnataka, the Cauvery Water Dispute involves Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, originating from agreements in 1892 and 1924.
  • The Cauvery River traverses through Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Puducherry, impacting their water dependency.
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Chronology of the dispute:

  • 1974: Dispute began when Karnataka started diverting water without Tamil Nadu consent.
  • 1990:Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal (CWDT) was formed in response to Tamil Nadu’s 1986 appeal, providing the final award in 2007 ,stating water should be shared on pro-rata basis.
  • 2018 : SC Judgement;
    • Cauvery declared a “national asset,” emphasizing equality among riparian states.
    • Reduction of Karnataka’s water release to Tamil Nadu
    • Creation of Cauvery Management Board (CMB).

Water Allocation Criteria and Constitutional Provisions:

  • Water sharing criteria depend on annual water flows, distinguishing between higher and equal/less availability.
  • Article 262 empower Parliament to adjudicate interstate river disputes.

Government mitigation:

  • Cauvery Water Management Scheme (CWMA) 2018:
  • CWMA regulates water releases.
  • Cauvery Water Regulation Committee (CWRC) serves as the technical arm for data collection and implementation.
  • Inter-State River Water Disputes (Amendment) Act, 2019:
  • Proposed Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) for amicable resolutions.
  • Creation of a single Inter-State River Water Disputes Tribunal with set timelines.
  • Decisions of the Tribunal deemed final and binding.
  • Establishment of a national databank for river basins.