Why in the News?

  • President Muizzu declared in his inaugural Parliament address that Indian military personnel would depart by May 10.
  • The first batch to leave is expected before March 10, with the remainder exiting by May 10.
Source: Wikimedia

About Bilateral Negotiations :

  • Diplomatic discussions with India are ongoing, with a mutual agreement reached for the withdrawal.
  • India operates aviation platforms primarily for medical evacuations, highlighting bilateral cooperation.
  • The Maldives’ proximity to India and its strategic location in the Indian Ocean Region underscore its significance in regional maritime initiatives like SAGAR and Neighbourhood First Policy.

SAGAR Initiative (Security and Growth for All in the Region)

India’s maritime strategy focuses on fostering security, economic growth, and sustainable development in the Indian Ocean Region through cooperative partnerships with neighbouring countries.

Neighbourhood First Policy

India’s foreign policy prioritizes strengthening ties with neighbouring countries by promoting regional stability, economic development, and people-to-people exchanges to ensure collective prosperity and security in the region.