Maiden India-France-UAE Maritime Partnership Exercise

News: On June 7th, 2023, the Gulf of Oman saw the start of the first India, France, and United Arab Emirates (UAE) Maritime Partnership Exercise, in which the INS Tarkash, French Ship Surcouf, French Rafale aircraft, and UAE Navy Maritime Patrol Aircraft participated.

It places a focus on the sharing of best practises and opens the door for increased naval cooperation between France, the UAE, and India.

India and France have developed close ties in the field of defence, and they frequently collaborate on joint operations involving their respective armed forces, such as Exercise Shakti, Exercise Varuna, and Exercise Garuda.

In 2005, India and France entered into a technology transfer agreement for the construction of six Scorpene submarines, and as part of that agreement, France sent India 36 Rafale fighter fighters.

India and the UAE have also developed a solid defence partnership.

To strengthen security cooperation and battle terrorist threats, India and the UAE engage in combined air combat drills like “Desert Eagle II.”