Why in the News?

ISRO is planning to launch Chandrayaan-4 and Bharatiya Antariksh Station.

Chandrayaan-4 Mission

  • Objective: Retrieve samples from the Moon.
  • Timeline: Launch planned in four years.
  • Technological Challenges: Developing robotic arm, docking mechanisms, sample transfer, and re-entry capabilities.
  • Crucial Experiment: SPADEX experiment demonstrating autonomous docking capability to be launched in the next three to four months.

Bharatiya Antariksh Station

  • Purpose: Conduct experiments with the help of robots.
  • Launch Date: First module scheduled for launch by 2028.
  • Initiated by PM’s Call: Aim to establish a space station by 2035 and send a man to the Moon by 2040.

Sustained Human Spaceflight Experiment

  • Upcoming Experiment: SPADEX to showcase autonomous docking capability in the next three to four months.
  • Focus Areas: Developing technology for sample return mission, including a robotic arm and mechanisms for docking in Moon and Earth orbits.
  • Gaganyaan Mission: Demonstration of re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere with astronauts.

Sustained Presence in Space

  • Technological Developments: Working on an inflatable habitat module for astronauts to conduct experiments and walk around.
  • Refuelling Satellites: Developing technologies for satellites to refuel others in space.
  • ISRO Service Module: Introducing a module with robotic arms for maintenance and module replacement.

Next Generation Launch Vehicle (NGLV)

  • Capacity: Designed to carry 16 to 25 tons to low Earth orbit.
  • Timeline: Development ongoing for the NGVL to meet future launch needs.
  • Collaboration: Discussing a common interface with NASA and the European Space Agency for joint work, potentially for the space station.

Collaboration Prospects

  • International Collaboration: Indications of potential collaboration with NASA and ESA for the space station.
  • Common Interface: Facilitating joint work and the possibility of the Indian module docking with the International Space Station.

ISRO, under its Vision 2047, is advancing in lunar exploration, space station development, and collaborative efforts for sustained human presence in space.