Injectable Cell Therapy To Treat Osteoarthritis

News: For the treatment of osteoarthritis, scientists recently created a new injectable cell therapy.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint condition that can harm the various joint tissues.

The most typical form of arthritis is this one. Changes in a joint’s biomechanics are referred to as arthritis.

When the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones gradually deteriorates over time, osteoarthritis develops.

Although osteoarthritis can harm any joint, it most frequently affects the hands, knees, hips, and spine joints.

Age increases the likelihood of its occurrence.

However, it can also afflict much younger persons, especially those who have already sustained a joint injury.

Symptoms frequently start out mildly and get worse over time.

Pain, stiffness, sensitivity, loss of flexibility, grating feeling, bone spurs, and other symptoms are included.

Osteoarthritis cannot be cured, but pain relief options include medicine, assistive technology, and other non-drug therapy exist.

It is possible to surgically fuse a broken joint or replace it with a joint made of a combination of metal, plastic, and/or ceramic materials.