India’s Unemployment Rate 2021-2022 : Report

News: India’s unemployment rate fell to 4.1% in July-June 2021-22, a five-year low, according to the National Statistics Office’s (NSO) most recent annual Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS).


  • Since its April 2017 introduction, the rate has decreased for the fourth straight year.
  • In 2021–2022, the UR for rural women (2.1%) was lower than the UR for rural men (3.8%), however in urban regions, the UR for females (7.9%) was higher than the UR for males (5.8%).
  • The LFPR dramatically rose during the previous five years, rising from 37.5% in 2018–19 to 55.2% in 2021–22.
  • In the poll, the rural LFPR was 57.5% (up from 57.4% in 2020–21), while the urban LFPR increased to 49.7% (from 49.1%).
  • According to the quarterly survey (CWS) for urban India, the urban rate (UR) stagnated at 7.2% in the December quarter (after falling for five straight quarters up until the July-September FY23).
  • The LFPR increased slightly from 47.9% in the September quarter to 48.2% this quarter.
  • In the December quarter, youth unemployment (for the 15-29 age range) climbed slightly to 18.6%, mostly due to an increase in female youth UR.