
  • GS 2 : Global Grouping and Agreement involving India and/or affecting India’s Interest.
  • Issues of National And International Importance.

Why in the News?

India shifted from its earlier stand on voting on UNGA resolution on Gaza Israel Conflict from abstaining to vote on October 26 resolution to voting in favour on December 12 resolution.

Source: BBC


  • On October 7, 2023, Hamas led significant offensive Strikes from the Gaza Strip into Israel.
  • In response, Israel carried out airstrikes in Gaza to counter this sudden Hamas attack.
  • Israel has declared War on Hamas.
  • Since then Israel is constantly moving forward in Gaza with intense military actions and continuous occupation of Gaza strip.
  • Questions have been raised in relation to the humanitarian situation in Gaza attracting global criticism.

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

  • Historical Context: Historical grievances, including the Nakba of 1948 and subsequent wars, contribute to the complex and enduring nature of the conflict.
  • Root Causes: The overarching conflict involves deep-rooted disputes over land, Israeli settlements, borders, and the right to self-determination for Palestinians.

Israel-Hamas Tensions

  • Rocket Attacks: Periodic rocket attacks launched by Hamas from Gaza into Israeli territories often trigger escalations.
  • Israeli Responses: Israel responds with military operations, airstrikes, and, at times, ground incursions into Gaza, resulting in casualties and destruction.
About Hamas


·  Hamas, short for Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya, originated in the late 1980s during the First Intifada, primarily as a resistance movement against Israeli occupation.

·  Nature: It is both a militant and political organization, with its founding rooted in the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

·  Objective: Hamas aims for the establishment of an Islamic state in historic Palestine, rejecting the existence of Israel and advocating for the rights of Palestinians.

Goals and Ideology:

·  Anti-Israel Stance: Ideologically opposed to Israeli presence in Palestinian territories, Hamas seeks the liberation of Palestinian lands, including East Jerusalem, which it envisions as the capital of a future Palestinian state.

·  Refugee Rights: Advocates for the rights of Palestinian refugees and their descendants, emphasizing the right of return to their ancestral homes.

Control in Gaza:

·  Power Shift: In 2007, Hamas forcibly took control of the Gaza Strip after intense clashes with Fatah, its rival Palestinian faction.

·  Governance: The governance of Gaza by Hamas marked a significant shift in the dynamics of Palestinian politics, with the West Bank under the control of Fatah.

Humanitarian Concerns

  • Civilian Impact: The conflict has severe humanitarian consequences, leading to civilian casualties, displacement, and damage to infrastructure in Gaza.
  • Socio-economic Challenges: Ongoing hostilities exacerbate socio-economic challenges, hindering development and normalcy.

India’s Multifaceted  Position

  • Response to Attacks:
  • Since the October 7 terror attacks by Hamas and the subsequent Israeli bombardment, India condemned terrorism vehemently.
  • The government stood with Israel but refrained from designating Hamas as a terrorist group.
  • Calls for Restraint:
  • India urged Israel for restraint, emphasizing the importance of dialogue and diplomacy.
  • Joint statements with the U.S. and Australia advocated “humanitarian pauses” but stopped short of endorsing a full ceasefire.
  • Support for Two-State Solution:
  • India reiterated support for a “two-state solution,” advocating a sovereign, viable Palestinian state coexisting peacefully with Israel.
  • Emphasis on the “socio-economic welfare” of Palestinians underscored India’s commitment.
  • Humanitarian Assistance:
  • As a humanitarian gesture, India sent 70 tonnes of aid, including medicines, to Gaza via Egypt.
  • External Affairs Minister highlighted these efforts at the BRICS emergency meeting.

India’s Voting Shift at UN General Assembly (UNGA):

  • December 12 Resolution:
  • India, along with 152 nations, voted in favor of a UNGA resolution.
  • The resolution demanded an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, adherence to international humanitarian law, unconditional release of hostages, and ensuring humanitarian access.
  • Contrast with Previous Abstention (October 26):
  • In the prior UNGA resolution on October 26, despite 8,000 Gazan casualties, India abstained due to a perceived lack of explicit condemnation of the October 7 attacks.

Factors Influencing the Shift:

  • Principle vs. Realities:
  • India’s earlier abstention was justified by its “zero-tolerance” stance towards terrorism, demanding explicit condemnation of the October 7 attacks.
  • The recent UNGA resolution lacked direct mention of the terror attacks, prompting India to vote in favour.
  • The government has not explicitly detailed its rationale.
  • Rising Casualties and Humanitarian Crisis:
  • Escalating casualties, reaching 18,000, and severe humanitarian issues influenced India’s revised stance.
  • Over 80% of Gaza’s population is now homeless prompting global concern and a possible reassessment of India’s stance.
  • Indiscriminate Israeli Military Actions:
  • Concerns over the indiscriminate use of unguided missiles by Israel, acknowledged even by the U.S.
  • Shifting Global and Indian Public Opinion:
  • Global and Indian public sentiment shifted from sympathy for Israel to condemnation of the unfolding aftermath.
  • India faced isolation in South Asia and the Global South due to its previous abstention.
  • Entreaties by Palestine and Gulf States may have influenced India’s reconsideration.
  • Expansion of Israeli Defence Forces’ Mandate:
    • Israel’s military operations expanded beyond eliminating Hamas capacity, leading to widespread destruction and forced occupation.
    • Nearly 90 journalists are among the casualties.

Implications and Way Forward:  

  • Ceasefire Effectiveness:
  • Israel rejected the UNGA resolution, posing challenges for its implementation.
  • India’s role in ensuring and sustaining the ceasefire will shape its stance in the conflict.
  • Strategic Diplomacy:
  • The Indian government, having shown support for Israel post-terror attacks, faces the responsibility to navigate the strategic complexities.
  • A more vocal Indian stance is essential to guide Israel out of the potential long term regional instability resulting from its military actions.

India’s UNGA vote signals a potential shift in its stance, though the full extent remains to be seen. The government must play a proactive role in supporting a sustainable ceasefire and mitigating the broader implications of the conflict.


Mains Practice Question:

Critically analyze India’s evolving stance on the Gaza-Israel conflict.Discuss the factors influencing this shift, assess its implications for India’s strategic interests and regional diplomacy.