Climate Strides:

  • At COP-28, India urges negative carbon emissions for affluent nations.
  • India surpasses emission intensity targets 11 years early, showcasing commitment.

Wildlife Update:

  • Tiger populations rise in some regions but decline due to habitat loss and poaching.
  • Cheetah conservation project faces criticism over imported cheetah deaths.
Source: HT

Conservation Laws Controversy:

  • Amendments in forest conservation law, exempted certain forest lands, sparking criticism in multiple states.

Changes in the Biological Diversity Act aim to encourage plant growth but raise concerns about benefit-sharing with local communities.

About  Biological Diversity(Amendments ) Act 2021

What are the modification ?

·   The Bill modifies the 2002 Biological Diversity Act to streamline compliance for Indian companies.

·   Exemption for codified traditional knowledge users and AYUSH practitioners from sharing benefits with local communities.

·   Research and bio-survey activities are no longer subject to mandatory benefit-sharing.

·   Benefit sharing now depends on agreed terms between users and local management committees led by the National Authority.

·   The Bill decriminalizes all offences previously outlined in the Act.