

Internal Security, Role of External State and Non-State Actors in Creating Challenges to Internal Security, Security Challenges and Their Management in Border Areas, Linkages of Organized Crime with Terrorism.


The article emphasizes the necessity for the Indian government to adopt a comprehensive National Security Strategy (NSS) to address various security challenges effectively and holistically.


  • The new National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government faces significant challenges in national security. Decisions on matters ranging from defense projects to international relations need a holistic and strategic approach.
  • The best option for the government is to step back and consider a holistic national security strategy, rather than making piecemeal decisions that waste resources and undermine national goals.

Regulatory Background and Concerns:

Current Fragmented Approach:

  • India’s security decisions are often made reactively and through internal bargaining among military services, leading to inefficiencies.
  • There is a lack of systematic evaluation and strategic vision in the current approach.

Need for a Comprehensive Strategy:

  • Most powerful states have a formal national security strategy, which India currently lacks.
  • Without a coherent NSS, India’s security planning is fragmented, often concentrating decision-making in the hands of a few individuals.

Benefits of a National Security Strategy (NSS)

Comprehensive Strategic Assessment:

  • A regular, well-crafted NSS would force the government to review global threats and opportunities systematically.
  • This includes evaluating the evolving challenges such as the growth of Chinese power.

Framework for Long-term Planning:

  • An NSS would provide a coherent framework for long-term planning and strategic competition.
  • It would help secure India’s interests by conceptualizing how to deter adversaries and form international partnerships.

Enhanced Coordination:

  • An NSS would create a mechanism for various arms of the government to synchronize their efforts, particularly within the military.
  • This would improve coordination among the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force, as well as other security agencies.

Accountability and Transparency

Introduction of Accountability Tools:

  • An NSS would introduce mechanisms to ensure government actions align with leadership intent.
  • This would ensure transparency and accountability to the public and Parliament.

Clarification of Strategic Intent: An NSS would clarify India’s strategic objectives, helping to communicate its policies more clearly to international and domestic audiences.

Strategic Vision and Coordination

  1. Proactive Response to Global Challenges: An NSS would enable India to respond more effectively to regional and global challenges such as climate change and geopolitical tensions.
  2. Synchronization Across Agencies: By harmonizing efforts across various security and intelligence agencies, an NSS would enhance operational efficiency and policy coherence.

Long-term Benefits and Leadership

  1. Positioning India as a Global Leader: Developing an NSS is crucial for India to address long-term strategic risks and position itself as a global power.
  2. Intellectual Scaffolding for Strategic Decisions: An NSS would provide the necessary framework for making informed strategic decisions that support India’s rise on the global stage.


The editorial effectively argues for the establishment of a National Security Strategy in India. By highlighting the current fragmented approach to national security and the benefits of a comprehensive NSS, the article underscores the importance of long-term planning, coordination, and transparency. An NSS is crucial for India to navigate modern global security dynamics and solidify its position as a leading global power.

UPSC Relevance

  • General Studies Paper II (Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International Relations):
  • Importance of national security policies and their impact on governance and international relations.
  • Role of strategic planning in enhancing national security and international standing.
  • General Studies Paper III (Technology, Economic Development, Biodiversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management):
  • National security strategies and their relevance in addressing modern global threats such as climate change and geopolitical shifts.
  • Coordination among various security agencies and its importance in effective policy implementation.
  • Essay Paper: Topics related to national security, strategic planning, and India’s role in global politics can be discussed using insights from this editorial.

Mains Practice Question: GS-3

Discuss the rationale behind the need for a National Security Strategy (NSS) in India. How can such a strategy balance the need for regulatory oversight and economic growth?” (250 words)

Source: The Hindu