India had been invited to attend the recently concluded G7 summit as a guest. Write a brief note on G7 countries……….

India had been invited to attend the recently concluded G7 summit as a guest. Write a brief note on G7 countries. Summarize the important takeaways from the recently ended summit & thus comment on India’s participation.


G7 is an association of 7 consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom & United States of America. It was based on the concept of world’s most industrialized countries upto 1973 oil crisis. It was formed on 25 March 1973. G7 held its 47th Summit from 11 to 13 June in Cornwall in the United Kingdom.


In this year’s summit, India was invited as a guest country along with South Africa, Australia & South Korea.

The significant outcomes of the summit were:

India’s Participation

  • India participated virtually.
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the summit.
  • India is considered as an ally of G7 nations.
  • Narendra Modi called for a collective solution for global pandemic by quoting “One Earth, One Health”.
  • He insisted for open supply chain for procuring raw materials for vaccine.


India had participated in 45th summit in 2019. It was also invited for the 2020 summit which did not happen. India is being considered as an important strategic nation by G7. India has also advantages in participating in these summits as it can raise the issues such as trade & commerce, territorial issues with neighboring countries. Thus any such participation will improve India’s strategic significance in world forum. By having more allies in the form of these nations, India can prosper in a better way.