India Establishes Cloud Chamber Under Mission Mausam Initiative

Why in the news?

Mission Mausam aims to improve weather forecasting and management in India by establishing a cloud chamber to enhance research in cloud physics and potential weather modification techniques.

Objective of Mission Mausam:

  • Launched last month, Mission Mausam aims to enhance weather forecasting and manage weather events, including rainfall, hail, and fog.
  • To support these goals, India plans to establish a first-of-its-kind cloud chamber at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) in Pune.
  • The cloud chamber will enable advanced research in cloud physics, critical for improving weather management strategies.

India Establishes Cloud Chamber Under Mission Mausam Initiative

Understanding the Cloud Chamber:

  • A cloud chamber is a closed cylindrical or tubular device where water vapour and aerosols are injected to create clouds under controlled humidity and temperature conditions.
  • This facility will allow scientists to study cloud formation, including the behaviour of cloud droplets and ice particles, particularly during monsoon conditions.
  • Unlike basic cloud chambers in other countries, India’s facility will have convective properties, focusing on the unique aspects of Indian monsoon clouds.

Research and Weather Modification Potential:

  • Scientists will manipulate atmospheric parameters to investigate how different conditions influence Indian weather and climate.
  • Over the next 18-24 months, a team will develop advanced instrumentation for use in the chamber, allowing detailed monitoring of environmental conditions.
  • Past experiments in cloud seeding under the Cloud Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment (CAPEEX) demonstrated the potential to enhance rainfall by up to 46%, though it is not a comprehensive solution for rainfall challenges.

Sources Referred:

PIB, The Hindu, Indian Express, Hindustan Times