India backs UN resolution against Israel occupation of Syrian Golan

Why in the News?

  • India supports a UN resolution expressing concern over Israel’s failure to withdraw from the Syrian Golan Heights, occupied since 5 June 1967.
  • The resolution, adopted by 91 votes, condemns Israeli settlement construction in the region. Australia, Canada, Israel, the U.K., and the U.S. opposed it.

India Supports UN Resolution

  • India aligns with a UN General Assembly resolution expressing deep concern over Israel’s continued presence in the Syrian Golan Heights, occupied since 1967.

Syrian Golan Heights

  • The region is a strategic plateau that overlooks the Hula Valley, the Sea of Galilee, and the upper Jordan River valley.
  • The Golan Heights is home to a number of important archaeological sites, including the ancient city of Quneitra.

Historical Evolution

  • Ottoman Era: Initially part of the Syria Vilayet within the Ottoman Empire.
  • French Mandate: Post-World War I, it became part of the French Mandate for Syria.
  • Independent Syria: In 1941, the Golan became part of independent Syria.

Territorial Disputes

  • Arab-Israeli Wars: The Golan has been a focal point in territorial disputes between Syria and Israel for decades.
  • 1948-1949 War: Syria fortified the Golan to control surrounding areas.
  • 1967 Six-Day War: Israel captured the Golan from Syria during this conflict.