Educational Institutions

Q. In the context of rapid technological change, discuss the significance of inculcating moral and spiritual values in educational institutions.

Technological advancement has simplified the way we do things, it saves time, it simplifies communication, it has improved the health care and it has also improved our educational environment.

On the other side, it has resulted into several problems like increased environmental pollution, dependency on technology, etc. which is causing a serious threat to our lives and society. Being exposed to rapid technology and social change from an early age has brought with it a fresh set of challenges for the new generations, such as:

  • Rapid and disruptive technological changes have left many youth alienated and confused, thus encouraging their search for a ‘new identity’ and a ‘sense of belonging’.
  • Internet is giving a distorted view of what is acceptable and normal in society, resulting in misguided perceptions of appropriate behaviour.
  • Youth have begun to exhibit signs of maladjustment in society due to poor interpersonal skills.
  • Cultural and social clashes between generations have been evident in almost every family.
  • Anti-social behaviour, sexual deviance and religious fanaticism are fuelled by continuous exposure to inappropriate content, unmonitored chat rooms and violent/ hate-inciting games. Education is one of the most powerful agencies in moulding the character and determining the future of individuals and nations. The present educational system has given very less attention to character building; hence there is a need to inculcate moral and spiritual values in educational institutes. Its significance can be understood from the following:
  • Young people will be trained with the right aims and objectives of human life so as to reverse the erosion of values.
  • Such education can become a major agent in teaching self-awareness, self-realization and self-evaluation.
  • It will promote selflessness, cooperative spirit, spirit of sharing, civic sense along with independent thinking.
  • It may contribute immensely to a culture of peace, cohesion and collaboration.
  • Students will learn from the lives of great personalities and will understand the significance of positive values like empathy, compassion, public service etc.
  • Technology will become an enabler in character building not an inhibitor. Mahatma Gandhi considered education as a means for awakening of the soul. He said, “If we succeed in building character of the individual, society will take care of itself”. Hence, a value based approach must form the backbone of the educational system and conscious efforts should be made for the development of moral and spiritual values with the help of ethical teachings of all the great religions and leaders in educational institutions.