Relevance: GS 2 – Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests

Why in the News?

  • Rajnath Singh became the first Indian Defence Minister to visit the UK in 22 years.
  • Aimed to rejuvenate strategic and security ties between India and the UK.
  • Discussed joint development of fighter jets, maritime security, and cyber cooperation.
  • Letter of Arrangement signed for next-generation defence technology collaboration.

Commonalities Between the United Kingdom and India

  • Both nations are outward facing, mercantile, and modern societies.
  • Despite being geographically distant, they are connected by the ocean, which is the world’s great global commons.
  • Trade in food and goods is a significant contributor to mutual prosperity, supporting numerous lives and livelihoods.
  • Maritime Importance in the Information Age
    • Global trade, predominantly maritime, remains crucial even in the Information Age.
    • Recognition of the role of underwater cables in facilitating data transmission adds to the importance of maritime activities.
  • Interconnection of National and Maritime Strategies:
    • Securing global lifelines of goods and resources is vital for economic stability and growth.
    • Ensuring freedom from aggression and exploitation in maritime domains is imperative.

Impact of Local Actions on Global Community

  • Instability, conflict, and aggressive actions in maritime regions affect not only local actors but also the international community.
  • Such actions disrupt the movement of essential goods and food, crucial for sustaining life and livelihoods globally.
  • Regions such as the Black Sea, the Red Sea, and the South China Sea face challenges to established norms and rules.
    • The wider international order, of which maritime norms are a part, is also being jeopardized by these threats.

 Challenges Posed by Houthi Attacks

  • Houthi attacks pose a significant threat to innocent seafarers and commercial shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.
  • The indiscriminate nature of these attacks jeopardizes the stability of maritime trade routes, including those supplying food and aid to Yemen.

Operation Prosperity Guardian in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

  • In December 2023, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other partners initiated Operation Prosperity Guardian to safeguard commercial shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.
  • The operation aims to defend and protect vital maritime trade routes against threats and aggression.
  • Collaborative Efforts with the Indian Navy:
    • Collaboration between the United Kingdom and India, along with other partners, is essential in addressing threats to the free movement of global trade.
    • Joint efforts with the Indian Navy demonstrate a commitment to countering maritime threats and ensuring the security of trade routes.
  • Linkage with Russia’s Actions in Ukraine:
    • The Houthi’s use of violence to achieve their objectives parallels Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine, highlighting a broader pattern of disregard for international law.
    • The international community, including the United Kingdom, India, and others, shares a common interest in preventing such wanton violence and ensuring adherence to international norms and laws.

Ukrainian Conflict

  • This week marks the two-year anniversary of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which began in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea.
  • In 2022, Russia initiated a ‘special military operation’ with ambitious objectives to surround Kyiv within three days, overthrow the government within a week, and subjugate most of the country within a month, all of which it failed to achieve.
  • Resilience of Ukraine:
    • Despite Russian aggression, Ukraine has persevered as a sovereign and independent nation, standing as a symbol of democracy and freedom.
    • Ukrainian armed forces have successfully reclaimed 50% of the territory illegally seized by Russia since February 2022.
    • Innovative tactics have enabled Ukrainian forces to confront the Russian Black Sea Fleet, leading to the destruction or damage of numerous ships and the reopening of maritime corridors vital for grain exports, sustaining the Ukrainian economy and global food security.
  • UK Support for Ukraine:
    • The United Kingdom has provided continuous support to Ukraine and pledges £2.5 billion in military aid for 2024-25.
    • Since 2022, the UK has offered almost £12 billion in military, humanitarian, and financial assistance to Ukraine and remains committed to standing by their side until victory is achieved.

Importance of Strategic Relationships

  • In an increasingly unstable and uncertain global landscape, investing in strategic relationships is paramount.
  • The partnership between the UK and India is making significant progress, reflecting the importance of fostering alliances in an evolving world order.
  • Shift in Global Economic Centre:
    • The global economic centre is gradually shifting towards the Indo-Asia-Pacific region, projected to solidify by 2050.
    • Recognizing the intrinsic link between national prosperity and international markets, the UK’s establishment of a permanent policy pillar, the ‘UK tilt to the Indo-Asia-Pacific’ in 2023, is seen as a positive step.
  • Prospects for Global Prosperity:
    • The potential for global prosperity in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region is immense, highlighting its significance not only for the United Kingdom but for the entire world.
    • Emphasizing the importance of engagement and presence in this region underscores its pivotal role in shaping the future of global economics and politics.

Deepening U.K.-India Defence Partnership

The rapid strengthening of the U.K.-India defence partnership has been warmly welcomed, with British and Indian forces engaging at levels not seen in many years.

  • Admirable leadership and support from Admiral R. Hari Kumar, Chief of the Indian Navy, have been instrumental in fostering this partnership.
  • Increased Interaction Between British and Indian Forces:
    • Since the inaugural deployment of the K. Carrier Strike Group in 2021, there has been a surge in U.K. ship visits to India, with exceptional hospitality and support extended by the Indian authorities.
    • The upcoming deployment of the Littoral Strike Group to the Indo-Asia Pacific later this year will further enhance training, exercises, and operational cooperation with regional partners.
  • Strengthening Defence Industrial Partnership:
    • The defence industrial partnership between the UK and India is flourishing, encompassing areas such as electric warship propulsion, complex weaponry, and jet engines.
    • Collaborative efforts in defence technology transfer contribute to the exchange of understanding, knowledge, and expertise between both nations.
  • Enhanced Military Education Ties:
    • The longstanding military education ties, spanning 75 years, will receive a boost this year, with officers from all three services of the Indian Armed Forces joining British service academies as instructors.
    • This exchange of experiences among future military leaders strengthens bilateral ties and collectively reinforces capabilities.
  • Advocacy for International Order:
    • History demonstrates that strategies of isolationism or coercion seldom lead to robust coalitions.
    • Friends, partners, and allies play a crucial role in supporting and upholding shared values, particularly in maintaining the rules-based International Order that has preserved peace for decades.
    • As proponents of peace and prosperity, the UK and India are committed to advocating for and upholding the International Order amid growing instability globally.

Defence Exercises

  • Exercise Konkan Shakti:
    • Exercise Konkan Shakti 2021 witnessed participation from the Indian Air Force, including two Sukhoi Su-30 and two SEPECAT Jaguar aircraft, along with two F-35Bs from HMS Queen Elizabeth.
    • The exercise aimed to enhance bilateral military cooperation between India and the United Kingdom.
  • Bilateral Passage Exercise (PASSEX) in the Bay of Bengal:
    • The Eastern Naval Command and HMS Queen Elizabeth conducted a bilateral Passage Exercise (PASSEX) in the Bay of Bengal.
    • The exercise involved the Royal Navy Carrier Strike Group and focused on enhancing maritime interoperability and coordination between the two navies.
  • Gratitude for India’s Friendship:
    • In an increasingly unstable world, the UK values India’s friendship as a steadfast source of support and strength in addressing common challenges and advancing shared interests.


Mains question

Discuss the significance of the growing U.K.-India defence partnership emphasizing advocacy for the rules-based International Order, in a changing global landscape. (250 words)