Why in the news?

  • Delhi Declaration: Released at the 18th Annual DIPSD Conference, highlights strategies for preventing gestational diabetes.
  • Significant Findings: Emphasises early screening and management to reduce GDM risks.
  • Health Impact: Aims to improve maternal and foetal health outcomes, preventing future diabetes.

Importance of Controlling Gestational Diabetes:

  • Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is glucose intolerance first diagnosed during pregnancy.
  • GDM has short-term and long-term health impacts on both mother and baby.
  • Increases risk of type 2 diabetes in mothers and obesity, insulin resistance, and diabetes in children.

Highlights from the 18th DIPSD Conference and Delhi Declaration:

  • The Delhi Declaration provides a prevention strategy for GDM, unveiled at the 18th Annual DIPSD Conference.
  • Advocates for screening women at eight weeks of pregnancy for glucose intolerance.
  • Encourages using DIPSI’s low-cost single test procedure to prevent the progression of NCDs.
What is Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)?

  • Definition: A type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy, affecting blood sugar levels.Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is glucose intolerance first identified during pregnancy.
  • Risk Factors: Includes obesity, advanced maternal age, family history of diabetes, and ethnic background.
  • Diagnosis: Typically identified through glucose screening tests between 24-28 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Symptoms: Often asymptomatic but may include excessive thirst, frequent urination, and fatigue.
  • Management: Involves blood sugar monitoring, dietary changes, and possibly insulin injections.
  • Complications: Can lead to larger birth weight, preterm delivery, and increased risk of type 2 diabetes for both mother and child.
  • Prevention: Includes maintaining a healthy weight before pregnancy, regular exercise, and a balanced diet.
  • Concerns: Women with GDM face higher risks for future diabetes and complications.
  • Current Need: In India, where many live in rural areas, a universal, simple, and cost-effective screening method is essential.

About Post Prandial Blood Sugar (PPBS) Test:

  • Purpose: Measures blood glucose levels 2 hours after a meal; screens for prediabetes and diabetes.
  • Other Names: PPBS, Glucose PP Glucose two-hour postprandial, Post glucose.
  • Parameters: Measures only glucose levels.
  • Function: Evaluates body’s ability to use/store glucose; assesses insulin effectiveness.
  • Importance: Helps monitor diabetes and evaluate kidney health, effectiveness of treatment.