Hybrid Warfare

News: Hybrid Warfare is a strategy used in the military. It includes the techniques of conventional warfare, cyber warfare, and irregular warfare. Today hybrid warfare techniques are increasing. Countries are using political influences to disrupt the governance of their enemy state, causing cyber troubles to the enemy state, and using other indirect measures to counter their enemies.


  • It employs the following three methods of conflict:
  • Conventional Warfare: In this case, standard military equipment and strategies are employed. The conflict is direct and face-to-face, and the troops primarily target the adversary.
  • In this type of warfare, the goal is to establish legitimacy. It has a purpose. Even inside a single state, it can be fought. Most often, non-military actors are involved in this combat.
  • In this type of warfare, the nation conducts cyberattacks against rival nations. It may target its military system or the other nation’s civilian cyber centres.
  • The Nord Stream Pipeline ruptured in October 2022, releasing gases into the ocean. Russia is being blamed by the west, and the UK is suspected in the explosion in Russia. When the investigating officers discovered charred explosives close to the pipeline, suspicions were raised. Countries suspect that their enemies may have set off the explosion to obstruct the state’s regular operations. This is one of the hybrid warfare strategies.