Why in the news?

The record surge in power demand in North India due to prolonged heatwaves, leading to unprecedented measures by the Power Ministry to ensure a stable power supply by importing power from other regions and optimizing the operation of various power plants.


About the News :

  • Record Power Demand:North India experienced a surge in power demand to 89 GW (89,000 MW) , the highest ever recorded for a single day due to prolonged heatwaves.
  • Regional Power Import:To meet the high demand, nearly 25% to 30% of power was imported from other regions, despite the northern region having an installed capacity of 113 GW.
  • Power Grid Structure:India’s power grid is divided into five regions: north, south, west, east, and northeast. The northern region contributes about 25% of India’s total installed capacity of 442 GW.
  • Operational Challenges:Not all power plants operate at their optimal capacity all the time, necessitating power imports. A power outage at Delhi airport highlighted the strain on the system.
  • Heatwave Impact:The heatwave has affected most northern states, with temperatures soaring to 47.6 degrees Celsius in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. The monsoon is expected by June-end, potentially delayed further.
  • Ministry Measures:The Power Ministry has kept power plants using imported coal operational and minimized maintenance shutdowns. Hydropower stations are advised to conserve water during the day and maximize output at night, with gas-fired plants also being utilized to meet demand.
  • National Power Demand:On May 30, India’s total power demand and fulfillment hit an all-time high of 250 GW. The Ministry emphasizes keeping power plants in optimal condition to ensure a stable supply.