
  • GS-3- Artificial intelligence , Use in various sectors of economy and society , Advancement in the field of Science and technology

Focus :

The article explores how Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) could transform India’s national strategy and global standing. It highlights the Indian government’s AI mission, the potential benefits and risks of AGI, the need for stringent safeguards, and the importance of comprehensive AI education and strategic integration across sectors to harness AGI’s full potential responsibly.

Source - TET


  • Global Geopolitical Shift: Vladimir Putin highlighted AI as a pivotal force capable of reshaping the global geopolitical landscape in 2017, emphasizing the importance of technological superiority.
  • Historical Precedents: Technological advancements have historically been cornerstones of global dominance, such as the British Empire’s lead in naval technology and the industrial revolution.
  • Current Context: As we navigate the possibilities and challenges brought by AI, drawing parallels from history, we foresee AI playing a critical role in national strategy.

 The Indian AI Mission

  • Government Initiative: In March 2024, the Indian Cabinet approved the India AI mission, allocating over ₹110,000 crore over five years for AI development.
  • Infrastructure Development: This mission will support AI supercomputing infrastructure, accessible to startups, academia, and industry.
  • Strategic Entry: As India joins the global AI race, the focus must be on the next evolutionary leap: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

Understanding AGI

  • Definition: AGI refers to AI systems with general intelligence that matches or surpasses human cognitive abilities across virtually all domains.
  • Capabilities: Unlike specific AI tasks, AGI can generalize its abilities to solve any problem, including those it has not been specifically programmed for.
  • Healthcare Applications: In healthcare, an AGI system could monitor health metrics in real-time, predict potential problems, and coordinate personalized preventative care and treatments.
  • Efficiency and Optimization: AGI promises a leap in efficiency and capability, optimizing energy use in cities and addressing global challenges like climate change through advanced solutions.

Risks and Safeguards

  • Potential Misuse: Powerful AGI systems, if misused, could pose significant risks, such as surveillance overreach and autonomous weaponry.
  • Stringent Safeguards: It is essential to implement stringent safeguards to ensure AGI enhances rather than undermines human autonomy and equity.
  • Preparedness for AGI: Although the probability of developing AGI within the next five years is estimated to be low, ranging from 10% to 50%, its potential impact demands global preparedness.
  • Psychological Tendencies: Human nature often leads to under-preparation for catastrophic risks, a tendency called the availability heuristic, making it crucial to safeguard against these risks.

Establishing a Dedicated AI Department

  • Central Coordination: India should establish a dedicated department of AI to coordinate all AI-related activities, similar to the urgency once applied to nuclear capabilities and space research.
  • Setting Standards: This department should set standards and guidelines for AI development and drive policies and initiatives aligning with India’s strategic interests.
  • Data Liberation: Indian policy should focus on liberating and providing access to vast data sets across public and private sectors, stimulating the development of robust AI models tailored to India’s unique demographic and socio-economic landscape.
  • Fostering a Thriving AI Ecosystem: Making more data available is crucial for fostering a thriving AI ecosystem that can compete globally and address local challenges effectively.

Enhancing National Security and Innovation

  • Strategic AI Ecosystem: India should create an AI ecosystem for strategic use cases, focusing on robust AI deployment in defense, drone technology, cybersecurity, and other systems.
  • Supporting AI Companies: India must foster an environment supporting the creation of companies developing and supplying these technologies, emulating successful models like the US government’s backing of Palantir.
  • Investment in Deep-Tech Startups: The National AI Mission can co-invest in deep-tech startups, providing capital support for global-scale projects.
  • Defense Integration: Safely integrating AGI with India’s defense strategy is imperative to address potential risks and ensure national security.

AI Skills and Education Initiative

  • Comprehensive AI Skilling: India should launch a comprehensive AI skilling initiative, setting a goal to train 50 million people in usage skills such as data literacy, AI ethics, and applications in specific sectors like healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.
  • Advanced Skills Training: A targeted initiative should aim to train 1 million individuals in AI development, covering areas such as machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing.
  • Educational Collaborations: Forge partnerships with universities and technical institutes to integrate AI-focused curricula, launch specialized degree programs, and promote continuing education.
  • Industry Engagement: Collaborations with online education platforms and the industry can ensure scalable access to courses and provide hands-on experience through apprenticeships and real-world project engagements.


  • Transformative Potential: Mastery over AGI could dictate the future balance of global power, ushering in an era where control over transformative technology determines leadership.
  • Responsibility and Vision: Approaching AGI with a broad sense of responsibility and collective vision is crucial for a future where technology serves the greater good.
  • Regulatory Caution: Just as we regulate nuclear technology for its potential unparalleled benefits and risks, AGI warrants a similar level of caution.
  • Defining Legacy: How wisely we adopt AGI will determine not only our place in the world of tomorrow but also the legacy we leave for future generations.


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Mains Practice Question :


“Discuss the potential of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) in reshaping India’s national strategy and its implications on global geopolitics. What measures should India adopt to ensure the safe and effective integration of AGI into various sectors?”(250 words)