Groundwater extraction this year down 6 billion cubic metres from 2020


Why in News?

An assessment report on groundwater by the Central ground water board and States/UTs was released recently. (Under Ministry of Jal Shakti)

Key findings:

  • India is the largest user of Groundwater (GW) ( accounting for 1/4th of total withdrawal)
  • 87% of GW is used for Irrigation
  • Status: GW extraction has declined and the number of over-exploited units (extraction > recharge) has decreased.
  • Currently, 67% of GW units are safe (extraction< 70% of recharge), 14% Overexploited and 4% at the Critical
  • Extraction is very high in Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan etc.


Reasons for use of ground waters in irrigation;-

  • Erratic monsoon; – Successive droughts and erratic rainfall have led to excess extraction of groundwater.
  • Subsidy: Low prices or free electricity offers an incentive for the unchecked lifting of groundwater. The vast majority of groundwater pumps are unmetered, and if charged, are billed at a flat, non-volumetric, and highly subsidized tariff.
  • Green revolution: Green Revolution caused the overuse of groundwater.
  • Water-intensive crops: Government encourages farmers to produce water-intensive crops like rice and sugarcane through increased minimum support prices (MSP).


Problems associated with such rampant use: –

  • Lowering of the water table: The World Bank predicts that by 2032, around 60 per cent of aquifers in the country will be in a critical state.
  • Reduction of water in streams and lakes: A substantial amount of the water flowing in rivers comes from the seepage of groundwater into the streambed. Depletion of groundwater levels may reduce water flow in such streams.
  • Land subsidence: A lack of groundwater limits biodiversity and dangerous sinkholes result from depleted aquifers.
  • Increased costs for the user: As the depleting groundwater levels lower the water table, the user has to delve deep to extract water. This will increase the cost of water extraction.
  • Deterioration of water quality: Groundwater that is deep within the ground often intermingles with saltwater that we shouldn’t drink.
  • Saltwater contamination can occur. For instance in the western part of the country.
  • Interrupts water cycle: Groundwater depletion interrupts the ‘natural’ water cycle putting disproportionately more water into the sea.
  • Impacts food security: As large aquifers are depleted, the food supply and people will suffer.


Status of Water Crisis:

  • UN has estimated that by the year 2050, four billion people will be seriously affected by water shortages, which might lead to multiple conflicts between countries over water sharing.
  • 31 countries are already facing a shortage of water and by 2025, there will be 48 countries facing serious water shortages.


  • Global Drought Risk and Water Stress map (2019) shows that major parts of India, particularly west, central and parts of peninsular India are highly water-stressed and experience water scarcity.
  • NITI Aayog report, ‘Composite Water Management Index’ (2018): more than 600 million people facing acute water shortages.

Impact of water crisis:

  • Rural-urban water disputes are very likely to occur as scarcity grows, exacerbated by climate change
  • Triggers sectoral and regional competitiong. water disputes between countries.
  • Silent crisis of a global dimension, with millions of people being deprived of water to live and sustain their livelihood.

Need for One Water Approach (OWA):

  • Failure to value water in all its forms is considered a prime cause of the mismanagement of water ( UN World Water Development Report 2021, published by UNESCO on behalf of the UN-Water)


Characteristics of OWA:

  • The mindset that all water has value — from the water resources in our ecosystems to our drinking water, wastewater and stormwater.
  • A multi-faceted approach meaning that our water-related investments should provide economic, environmental, and societal returns.
  • Utilising watershed-scale thinking and action that respects and responds to the natural ecosystem, geology, and hydrology of an area.
  • Partnerships and inclusion: all stakeholders come forward and together will take a decision.


  • Reliable, secure, clean water supplies
  • Aquifer recharge
  • Flood protection
  • Minimising environmental pollution
  • Efficient use and reuse of natural resources
  • Resiliency to climate
  • Long-term sustainability
  • Equity, affordability and accessibility to safe drinking water
  • Economic growth and prosperity


  • A ‘One Water’ approach is key to combating urban challenges, managing resources
  • Shift needed from single-minded, linear water management to multi-dimensional integrated water management technique

OWA (also known as Integrated Water Resource Management) is superior to the conventional water management approach:

Conventional Water Management Approach One Water Approach
Drinking water, wastewater and stormwater are managed separately All the water systems, regardless of their source, are managed in a connected way and given equal worth
One-way route from supply to use, treatment and disposal.


Water is recycled and reused several times
Use of Stormwater not considered. Stormwater is utilised as a valuable resource to fight against water scarcity, recharge groundwater and support natural vegetation
Grey infrastructure in conventional water management Mix of grey and green infrastructure that form a hybrid system
Collaboration is need-based Active collaborations with all stakeholders, including communities.


Case study:

  • Singapore: It is working towards becoming a zero waste nation by reducing our consumption of water, materials, and reusing and recycling them to give them a second lease of life. It has been following OWA for decades now.
  • Los Angeles: One Water Los Angeles has formulated a LA 2040 Plan through a “Three legged stool approach” that ensures water quality improvement, water supply augmentation and flood risk mitigation, using recycling and reuse.


One Water Approach:


The effective answer to the groundwater crisis is to integrate conservation and development activities, from water extraction to water management, at the local level; making communities aware and involving them fully is therefore critical for success.


Mains PYQ

  1. Bring out the problems associated with groundwater irrigation in India. Critically analyse the role of Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) in improving agricultural production on a sustainable basis. (15M)


Prelims PYQ

Consider the following statements: (UPSC 2015)

  1. The Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme was launched during 1996-97 to provide loan assistance to poor farmers.
  2. The Command Area Development Programme was launched in 1974-75 for the development of water-use efficiency,

Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: (b)