Grey matterin women : new study

Why in the news?

  • A new study reveals significant brain changes during pregnancy, including decreased grey matter and increased white matter integrity.
  • These findings provide insights into how hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy affect brain structure and function.

Study Findings

  • Grey Matter Reduction: The research identified a 4% decrease in cortical grey matter volume.
  • This outer layer of the brain is crucial for processing and cognitive functions.
  • White Matter Enhancement: There was a 10% increase in the microstructural integrity of white matter, which helps in the efficient transmission of nerve signals.

Hormonal Impact

  • Estradiol and Progesterone: The changes in brain structure are associated with rising levels of these hormones throughout pregnancy, affecting brain plasticity and function.
  • Timeframe: The study tracked brain changes from three weeks before conception, through pregnancy, and up to two years postpartum.

About Gret Matter and White Mattern

Grey Matter:

  • Comprises the brain’s outer layer.
  • Contains the cell bodies of neurons.
  • Involved in processing and cognition.
  • Responsible for functions like muscle control and sensory perception.

White Matter:

  • Located deeper within the brain.
  • Consists of bundles of axons that connect different brain regions.
  • Facilitates communication between neurons.
  • Crucial for transmitting signals across long distances in the brain.

Sources Referred:

PIB, The Hindu, Indian Express, Hindustan Times