Why in the News?

  • 22 nations, led by the United States, commit to tripling nuclear installed capacity by 2050.
  • Notably absent from the commitment is India, which maintains its stance of not joining alliances outside the COP process.
Source: WNISR

Pledge Details :

  • The goal is to triple nuclear energy capacity from 2020 to 2050, recognizing the role in limiting global warming and achieving net-zero transitions.
  • Commitment involves countries like France, the United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, South Korea, and Ukraine.

What is the Need?

  • Nuclear power plants, while non-renewable, do not emit greenhouse gases.
  • Studies emphasize significant investment in nuclear energy for achieving global net-zero carbon emissions by 2050

Current Nuclear Energy Status:

  • Currently, there are approximately 370 GW of operational nuclear power capacity in 31 countries, contributing around 10% of global electricity.
  • Tripling the capacity would aim for at least 1,000 GW by 2050.

India’s Position and Future Plans:

  • Presently, India operates 22 nuclear reactors, collectively providing an installed capacity of around 6,780 megawatts.
  • India, not part of the commitment, is urged to plan a rapid expansion of its nuclear energy sector.
  • India must emphasise the necessity for nuclear energy expansion to meet India’s growing clean energy demands.