Global Gender Gap Index 2023:

News: According to the recently released annual Gender Gap Report, 2023, India was placed 127 out of 146 nations in terms of gender parity – an advance of eight places from last year.

India moved up eight spots from the previous year to 127th place out of 146 nations in terms of gender parity.

India had achieved parity in enrollment across all educational levels, the report claimed.

India had reduced the global gender gap by 64.3%. It did highlight the fact that India had only attained 36.7% parity in terms of economic opportunity and participation.

India has achieved the highest level of political empowerment since the first report in 2006, with women making up 15.1% of legislators, or 25.3% of the total.

Pakistan was ranked at 142 on the index, Bangladesh at 59, China at 107, Nepal at 116, Sri Lanka at 115, and Bhutan at 103. These countries are neighbours of India.

The gender gap in Iceland has been reduced by more than 90%, making it the most gender-equal nation in the world for the 14th year in a row.

The gender parity rate for Southern Asia as a whole is 63.4%, which is the second-lowest among the other eight areas.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has been publishing an annual Global Gender Gap Report since 2006.

It assesses gender equality in 146 nations and four domains: political empowerment, health and survival, educational attainment, and economic engagement and opportunity.