Give a brief note on the structure of Earth and its composition.


Earth is believed to be 4.5 billion years ago which is 1/3rd of the age of the universe. The Earth in its outer layer is covered by atmosphere which enables existence of life. The surface of earth is made up of water & land. The inner structure of earth can be divided as

1) Crust,         2) Mantle                   3) Core.



Crust Mantle Core
The outermost part of the earth is crust. It is fragile in nature. Thickness of crust varies in different places. Density is about 3 gm/cm3. It is made up of heavy rocks. Oceanic crust is thinner and is made up of rocks such as basalt. It is in solid state. It is denser than crust. Thickness is 10-200 km. Magma is formed in mantle which comes out during the volcanoes. The uppermost part of the mantle along with the crust is called as Lithosphere. It is more than 2900 km deeper. Outer core is liquid state and inner core is solid in state. Heavy metals like Nickel and Iron are present in the core. Therefore it is also called as Nife Layer.


Along with these layers, entire earth and its outer parts can be divided as: