Relevance: GS 3 – Growth & Development, Infrastructure, Investment Models, Mobilization of Resources

Why in the News?

  • India maintains its 40th position out of 132 economies in the Global Innovation Index, as per the World Intellectual Property Organization’s report.
  • Over the past few years, India has demonstrated a consistent upward trend in the Global Innovation Index rankings moving from 81st place in 2015 to its current ranking of 40 in 2023.


  • R&D expenditures in India have plateaued at approximately 6% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), indicating a lack of significant growth in investment in this critical sector.

  • There is a recognized need to boost public sector spending on R&D to stimulate innovation and technological advancement within the country.
  • It is frequently argued that the private sector should play a more active role in R&D investment to complement public sector efforts and drive innovation further.
  • MNCs Leveraging India Potential: Multinational Corporations (MNCs) are increasingly utilizing India as a hub for innovation, recognizing the country’s potential in fostering technological advancements and breakthroughs.
    • Despite MNCs’ involvement, the overall output of India’s innovation ecosystem falls short of expectations, highlighting underlying challenges that hinder its full potential.
    • Local enterprises express concerns over the limited availability of well-trained R&D professionals, underscoring the need for a skilled workforce to drive innovation within the country.

Experiments in Innovation Financing

  • Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF): The modalities of the newly established ANRF, which commenced operations on Monday, lack clarity, creating uncertainty regarding its functioning and objectives.
  • ₹1 Lakh Crore Corpus for Research and Innovation: The interim budget announced a significant corpus of ₹1 lakh crore for research and innovation;
    • However, details regarding its allocation and utilization remain ambiguous, raising questions about its effectiveness in fostering innovation.
  • Underutilization of Publicly Supported Industry Consortia: Despite the introduction of various initiatives, publicly supported industry consortia are reported to be underutilized, indicating a gap between policy intent and practical implementation in leveraging these consortia for innovation.

Advantages of Strategic PPPs

  • Attracting Private Investments
    • Strategic PPPs offer an avenue to attract private investments by leveraging the strengths of both sectors.
    • Private entities are encouraged to invest in R&D projects through collaborative efforts with the government.
  • Leapfrogging Local Capacity
    • PPPs facilitate the leapfrogging of local capacity to innovate by pooling resources and expertise from both public and private sectors.
    • Through strategic partnerships, India can tap into advanced technologies and practices that may not be readily available domestically.

Critical Elements for Efficacy

  • Clarity of Strategic Intent
    • The success of PPPs in India hinges on the clarity of strategic intent, ensuring alignment with national development goals and objectives.
    • Clear delineation of roles, responsibilities, and objectives is essential for effective implementation and outcomes.
  • Presence of Critical Elements
    • Financing: Ensuring adequate financial resources are allocated and managed effectively to sustain PPP initiatives.
    • Operational: Establishing robust operational frameworks to streamline processes and optimize resource utilization.
    • Governance: Implementing transparent governance structures to facilitate decision-making and mitigate potential conflicts of interest.
    • Evaluation: Incorporating robust evaluation mechanisms to assess the impact and effectiveness of PPP initiatives over time.

Functionality of PPPs in R&D

  • Formal Relationship and Decision-Making: By co-investing scarce resources such as funding, personnel, infrastructure, and knowledge, PPPs strive to achieve specific science, technology and innovation (STI)
  • Combining Complementary Capabilities: Leveraging each sector’s strengths enhances the overall effectiveness and efficiency of R&D endeavors.
  • Addressing Market and Government Failures: PPPs serve as a mechanism to address market and government failures, particularly by reducing technological and regulatory uncertainties.
    • Collaborative R&D activities under PPPs help mitigate risks and facilitate the development and adoption of innovative solutions.
  • Diffusion of Best Practices and Spillovers: Joint R&D activities foster the diffusion of best practices and knowledge sharing between public and private partners.
    • By encouraging spillovers, PPPs contribute to broader societal benefits and the advancement of science and technology.


Consultative Process for Area Identification:

  • Leveraging a consultative process to identify focus areas ensures stakeholder input and alignment with national priorities.
  • Emphasizing pre-competitive projects with lower collaboration barriers enhances feasibility and encourages broader participation.

Trust Building and Transparent Structuring:

  • Paramount importance is placed on building trust among partners through transparent structuring of PPPs.
  • Transparent frameworks foster confidence and facilitate effective collaboration among stakeholders.

Financing Dynamics:

  • Strategic STI PPPs are typically financed equally by government, academia, and industry.
  • Initially, the Government of India may lead financing efforts to incentivize private participation, while ensuring long-term sustainability without crowding out private investments.

Tiered Membership Structure:

  • Implementing a tiered membership structure with additional incentives for Indian firms promotes participation from both large and small enterprises.
  • Such a structure encourages diversity in participation and fosters a conducive environment for innovation.

Duration and Agility:

  • Recommending initial partnerships to operate for less than three years to ensure agility and trust-building.
  • Success in short-term partnerships paves the way for longer-term collaborations to serve national missions effectively.

Operational Management:

  • Operations of PPPs should be led by individuals possessing appropriate knowledge and expertise.
  • Openness to international participation enhances competitiveness and facilitates the creation of a skilled workforce.

Inclusion of MNC R&D Centers:

  • Advocating for the participation of MNC R&D centers based in India to capitalize on potential knowledge spillovers.
  • Mitigating regulatory hurdles enables broader participation and enriches the innovation ecosystem.


Determining PPP Nature:

  • Nature of activities and infrastructure requirements dictate whether PPPs should operate virtually or otherwise.
  • Flexible contractual arrangements and transparent mechanisms for sharing and transferring IP minimize potential disputes.

Critical Governance Framework:

  • Strong governance framework is imperative to navigate the inherent tension between public goals and private interests in PPPs.
  • Leadership must reconcile this tension and ensure well-defined distributional mechanisms to treat stakeholders’ interests fairly.

Autonomous Operation and Orchestration:

  • GoI should focus on orchestrating PPPs and allow them to run autonomously.
  • This approach ensures effective partnerships while maintaining government oversight.

Adaptability and Regular Evaluations:

  • Leveraging adaptability of PPPs requires regular evaluations to facilitate necessary structural and operational changes.
  • Continuous evolution ensures alignment with evolving goals and objectives.

Embracing Moonshots and Special Support:

  • India should heed Vikram Sarabhai’s recommendation by providing special support for task-oriented development projects in areas with deficiencies.
  • Prior political decision-making ensures strategic alignment and effective resource allocation.

Positioning Strategic PPPs:

  • While not a panacea, strategic PPPs can significantly improve the competitiveness of the Indian innovation ecosystem.
  • Leveraging these partnerships effectively can drive transformative change and foster innovation-led growth.



Mains question

Discuss the role of strategic Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in enhancing India’s innovation ecosystem and governance adaptability. (250 marks)