
  • GS1: Social Empowerment, Role of Women
  • GS2: Issues related to women and Inclusive Growth.


  • Gender equality is not just a matter of social justice but also a critical driver of economic prosperity.
  • Numerous studies have highlighted the significant role of women’s inclusion in driving economic growth and improving material welfare for all members of society.
Source: UNADAP

The Importance of Inclusive Growth for Sustainable Prosperity:

  • Equitable Distribution of Benefits:

Inclusive economic growth ensures that the benefits of development are distributed equitably across society, reducing poverty and inequality.

  • Environmental Sustainability:

Green economic growth promotes environmentally sustainable practices and technologies, addressing climate change and preserving natural resources for future generations.

  • Fair Transition to a Green Economy:

A ‘just transition’ to a green economy involves inclusive policies and programs that support workers and communities affected by economic restructuring.

  • Strengthening Social Cohesion:

Social cohesion and political stability are strengthened when all members of society have equal opportunities to participate in and benefit from economic growth.

  • Catalyst for Innovation and Competitiveness:

Inclusive growth fosters innovation, entrepreneurship, and competitiveness, driving long-term economic resilience and prosperity.

The Economic Significance of Gender Equality:

  • Research from the IMF and other institutions demonstrates that reducing gender disparities in labour markets can boost GDP and improve overall economic performance.
  • Women’s participation in the economy as workers, entrepreneurs, and consumers drives consumer spending, investment, and business growth.
  • Gender diversity in leadership positions enhances decision-making processes, creativity, and problem-solving, leading to better business outcomes and financial performance.
  • Gender-inclusive workplaces attract and retain top talent, fostering employee engagement, morale, and productivity.
  • Investing in women’s education, skills training, and entrepreneurship programs yields high returns in terms of economic growth, poverty reduction, and social development.
Gender Gap Report 2023

The World Economic Forum (WEF) recently released the 17th edition of the Global Gender Gap Report 2023, evaluating gender parity across 146 countries.

Global Gender Gap Score: 

The global gender gap score in 2023 is 68.4%, showing a modest 0.3% improvement compared to the previous year. However, at this rate, achieving full gender parity would take 131 years, indicating a significant slowdown in progress.

Top-Ranking Countries:

Iceland remains the most gender-equal country for the 14th consecutive year, with a score of 91.2%. Other Nordic countries like Norway, Finland, and Sweden also feature in the top five, showcasing their strong commitment to gender equality.

India’s Rank: 

·    India improved from 135th to 127th out of 146 countries, marking progress.

·    Neighbors like Pakistan (142), Bangladesh (59), China (107), Nepal (116), Sri Lanka (115), and Bhutan (103) also feature in the report.

·    India’s overall gender gap closed at 64.3%, with a 1.4% improvement and eight position jump since the last edition, signaling a partial recovery.

The Benefits of Diversity and Equal Representation:

  • Companies with diverse leadership teams outperform their peers in terms of innovation, profitability, and market competitiveness.
  • Gender-inclusive workplaces foster a culture of belonging, respect, and collaboration, leading to higher employee satisfaction and retention.
  • Women bring unique perspectives, skills, and experiences to decision-making processes, leading to more informed and effective strategies.
  • Gender diversity in leadership enhances organizational resilience and adaptability to changing market conditions and customer preferences.
  • Inclusive workplaces that prioritize diversity and equality attract a broader customer base, enhance brand reputation, and drive long-term business success.

Impact on Environmental Sustainability:

  • Women’s participation in environmental decision-making and sustainable practices contributes to the conservation of natural resources and protection of ecosystems.
  • Gender-inclusive policies and programs promote sustainable consumption and production patterns, reducing waste and pollution.
  • Women entrepreneurs are at the forefront of sustainable innovation, developing eco-friendly products and technologies that address environmental challenges.
  • Companies with gender-balanced leadership teams are more likely to adopt sustainable business practices and incorporate environmental considerations into their corporate strategies.
  • Gender equality is essential for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including those related to climate action, clean energy, and environmental protection.

Progress and Opportunities:

  • Despite persistent challenges, there has been notable progress in recent years, with increasing numbers of women entering and excelling in traditionally male-dominated industries and leadership roles.
  • Programs and initiatives aimed at supporting women entrepreneurs, such as access to finance and business development support, have contributed to the growth of women-owned businesses worldwide.
  • Continued investment in education, skills training, and mentorship programs can further empower women and girls to pursue careers in STEM fields and other areas traditionally dominated by men.

Impact of Women on Consumer Preferences 

  • Women are key decision-makers in household spending and consumer purchases, influencing buying decisions across a wide range of industries, including fashion, household goods, and healthcare.
  • Consumer preferences are shifting toward environmentally friendly and sustainable products, driven in part by women’s increasing awareness of environmental issues and desire to make responsible purchasing choices.
  • Companies that prioritize sustainability and align their products and marketing strategies with women’s values and preferences stand to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

The Role of Women in Corporate Governance:

  • Greater representation of women on corporate boards and in executive leadership positions has been linked to improved financial performance, higher profitability, and stronger corporate governance practices.
  • Women bring unique perspectives, skills, and experiences to corporate decision-making processes, contributing to more effective risk management, strategic planning, and long-term value creation.
  • Companies with diverse boards and leadership teams are better equipped to navigate complex challenges, anticipate market trends, and capitalize on emerging opportunities in an increasingly globalized and competitive business environment.

Women’s Leadership and Impact on Policy:

  • Women’s participation in politics and policymaking is essential for advancing gender equality and promoting policies that support women’s rights, economic empowerment, and social inclusion.
  • Countries with higher levels of female political representation are more likely to adopt progressive policies on issues such as healthcare, education, and social welfare, leading to better outcomes for women and girls.
  • Women’s leadership in international organizations and diplomatic efforts can drive global initiatives to address pressing challenges such as climate change, poverty alleviation, and sustainable development, fostering greater cooperation and collaboration among nations.

Way Forward:

  1. Policy Reforms: Enact and enforce laws promoting gender equality in the workplace, including pay equity and anti-discrimination measures.
  2. Education and Training: Increase access to quality education and vocational training for girls and women, particularly in STEM fields.
  3. Support for Women Entrepreneurs: Expand access to finance and provide business development support for women-owned businesses.
  4. Corporate Leadership: Encourage companies to set gender diversity targets and establish accountability mechanisms for progress.
  5. Work-Life Balance: Advocate for flexible work arrangements and family-friendly policies to support working parents.
  6. Capacity Building: Strengthen women’s leadership skills through training programs and mentoring initiatives.
  7. Public Awareness: Launch campaigns to challenge stereotypes and promote gender equality in society.
  8. International Cooperation: Foster partnerships to address gender disparities on a global scale.
  9. Research and Data: Invest in gender-disaggregated data collection and research to inform policy and programming.
  10. Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish mechanisms to track progress and adjust strategies for effective outcomes.


In conclusion, gender equality is not only a moral imperative but also a powerful catalyst for economic progress, social development, and environmental sustainability. By empowering women and promoting gender-inclusive policies and practices, societies can unlock the full potential of their human capital, drive innovation and productivity, and build a more equitable and prosperous future for all. As we continue to strive for greater gender equality, it is essential to recognize and celebrate the contributions of women as leaders, innovators, and agents of positive change in every aspect of society.


Mains Practice Question:

Discuss the significance of gender equality in driving economic progress and addressing global challenges. Evaluate the role of inclusive policies in promoting gender equality and its impact on sustainable development.