Financial Grants For Biomass Pellet Manufacturing Unit

News: The cash awards for biomass pellet manufacturing units were updated by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).

A type of renewable fuel known as biomass pellets is created from organic materials like wood, agricultural waste, and energy crops.

These are created by applying intense pressure to the compression of organic materials.

The biomass’s energy density is increased and the moisture content is removed during compression.

In India, using biomass or agricultural waste as a combustion fuel in conjunction with coal is required for coal-fired thermal power plants.

The biomass used in power plants for co-combustion is refined and processed into pellets with a calorific value similar to coal.

There are two of these.

Torrefied: It undergoes processing at 250–350 °C without oxygen, resulting in the creation of torrefied.

Non-torrefied: In this process, the biomass is chopped, ground, and then transferred to a reactor that produces pellets by compressing it with the use of binders like sawdust, bagasse, molasses, starch, and others.

Centres for Disease Control and Prevention:

It falls under the Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change as a statutory body.

It was established in accordance with the 1974 Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.

In accordance with the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981, it is given certain authority and responsibilities.

It performs the functions of a field formation and offers technical assistance to the Ministry of Environment and Forests in accordance with the 1986 Environment (Protection) Act.