
GS 2:

  • Role of External State and Non-state Actors in creating challenges to Internal Security.
  • Security Challenges and their Management in Border Areas – Linkages of Organized Crime with Terrorism.

Why in the News?

The resurgence of militant activity in Jammu’s Pir Panjal and Chenab valleys, characterized by increased infiltration and attacks, has heightened security concerns. This situation has led to significant challenges for security forces and has resulted in multiple casualties, drawing national attention to the region’s instability.

Source: Defence Tech

Context and Overview:

  • Increased Militant Activity: This year marks the highest militant presence in Jammu since 2005. Insurgents have reactivated old infiltration routes, establishing bases in the Pir Panjal and Chenab valleys.
  • Geographical Challenges: Militants utilize dense forests and caves for cover, making it difficult for security forces to track and eliminate them effectively.
  • Community Impact: The resurgence of militancy has left local communities in shock and fear, particularly following brutal incidents like the murder of Amarjit Sharma in Kathua.
  • Historical Context: The increase in militant activity follows the abrogation of Article 370 in 2019, which has prompted a deliberate effort by insurgents to destabilize the region.
  • Strategic Importance: The Jammu region’s strategic location, including its proximity to the International Border with Pakistan, complicates the security scenario further.

Rise in Militant Activity

  • Recent Incidents: Amarjit Sharma’s murder is one of many incidents highlighting the escalating violence. In 2020, 18 militants were killed, with continued attacks in subsequent years.
  • Tactical Shifts: Militants have established new bases in the Pir Panjal valley and expanded into the Doda, Ramban, and Kishtwar districts, using the challenging terrain to their advantage.
  • Security Personnel Casualties: Twelve security personnel, including 11 soldiers, have been killed this year in Jammu. Militant attacks have become frequent, with 14 reported in June and July alone.
  • Local Support and Resistance: While militants lack substantial local support, their presence instills fear among residents, leading to increased suspicion and early curfews in affected areas.
  • Historical Shifts: Militants have shifted their bases multiple times over the past three decades, adapting to security operations and exploiting new infiltration routes.

Kathua: A Transit Route

  • Recent Encounters: On June 11, militants surfaced in Saida village, leading to a 15-hour-long operation resulting in the death of militants and a CRPF jawan. This incident underscores the growing threat.
  • Local Reactions: The encounter left the village in fear, with residents wary of outsiders and returning home early to avoid potential danger.
  • Transit and Tunnels: Militants use Kathua as a transit route, digging tunnels to enter from Pakistan. The discovery of such tunnels by locals highlights the ongoing infiltration challenges.
  • Geographical Proximity: Located near the International Border, Kathua’s proximity to Punjab makes it a critical area for militants to access other regions, including the newly targeted districts.
  • Security Measures: Despite efforts to detect and destroy tunnels, security forces acknowledge the difficulty in sanitizing the entire region daily, given the extensive terrain and forest cover.

Challenging Terrain

  • Topographical Advantages: Militants exploit the mountainous terrain of the Pir Panjal and Chenab valleys, utilizing dense forests and high peaks for cover and strategic depth.
  • Army’s Response: The Army has re-inducted over 700 soldiers and increased patrolling, including drone surveillance, to counter the militant threat in these regions.
  • Difficult Access: Security operations in the upper reaches of the mountains are challenging, taking hours or days to reach suspected militant hideouts.
  • Forest Size: Jammu’s forest area is eight times the size of Delhi, providing ample hiding spots for militants, complicating security efforts.
  • Nomadic Support: Nomads in the upper reaches inadvertently aid militants by providing food and information about Army movements, further complicating security operations.

Change in Modus Operandi

  • Evolving Tactics: Militants now avoid stand-off fires, preferring ambushes to kill security forces and flee. This shift in tactics indicates a higher level of training and adaptation.
  • Local Collaborators: Arrests of locals providing shelter and logistical support to militants reveal the complexities of the insurgent network and the challenges in curbing their activities.
  • Technological Adaptation: Militants use mobile apps like Alpine to navigate mountainous terrain without internet access, showcasing their technological adaptation.
  • Socio-Political Factors: Increasing polarisation, unemployment, and new reservation policies have potential to expand the militants’ support network, particularly among marginalized communities like the Gujjars.
  • Cross-Border Influence: The effects of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the influx of sophisticated weaponry indicate a broader regional impact on Jammu’s security scenario.
Government initiatives to Deal With Militancy

1.  Shimla Agreement (1972):

  • Objective: Committed India and Pakistan to resolving differences peacefully through bilateral negotiations.
  • Details: This agreement laid the groundwork for peaceful resolution of disputes and established the Line of Control (LoC) as the de facto border between India and Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir.

2.  Confidence-Building Measures:

  • Objective: Initiated efforts to improve relations, such as bus services and trade routes between India and Pakistan.
  • Details: These measures included cross-border trade, cultural exchanges, and people-to-people contact to foster trust and cooperation between the two nations.

3.  2015 Ufa Declaration:

  • Objective: Marked the resumption of dialogue between India and Pakistan to address bilateral issues.
  • Details: This declaration aimed to restart comprehensive dialogue, focusing on issues like terrorism, border management, and economic cooperation.

4.  PARVAAZ Scheme:

  • Objective: Provided subsidies for air cargo transport of perishable goods from Jammu and Kashmir to enhance trade.
  • Details: This initiative supports local farmers and producers by facilitating the transport of their products to wider markets, thereby boosting the regional economy.

5.  Himayat:

  • Objective: A training and placement program aimed at providing employment to unemployed youth in Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Details: Funded by the Ministry of Rural Development, this program offers vocational training and job placements in various sectors to enhance employability.

6.  Udaan:

  • Objective: An industry initiative focused on skill development and training for the youth in Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Details: This program partners with corporates to provide training in professional skills, leading to employment opportunities in the private sector.

7.  Nai Manzil:

  • Objective: A program designed to provide mainstream education and employment opportunities for school dropouts or Madrasa-educated youth.
  • Details: Funded by the Ministry of Minority Affairs, this scheme bridges the education gap and integrates youth into the mainstream job market.

8.  USTAAD Scheme:

  • Objective: Aimed at upgrading the skills and training of minority communities in traditional arts and crafts.
  • Details: This scheme supports artisans by providing training, marketing support, and financial assistance to preserve and promote traditional crafts.

9.  Panchayat-Level Youth Clubs:

  • Objective: Established to engage youth in development and recreational activities to reduce the allure of militancy.
  • Details: These clubs provide a platform for the youth to participate in sports, cultural events, and community development projects, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose.

Way Forward

  1. Enhanced Surveillance: Utilize advanced technology, including drones and satellite imagery, to monitor dense forests and mountainous regions for militant activity.
  2. Community Engagement: Foster trust within local communities by addressing socio-economic issues, providing education, and creating employment opportunities to reduce militant support networks.
  3. Strengthened Border Security: Increase patrols and surveillance along the International Border and Line of Control to prevent infiltration through tunnels and other covert routes.
  4. Intelligence Sharing: Improve coordination between security agencies and local law enforcement for real-time intelligence sharing and swift action against militant threats.
  5. Counter-Radicalization Programs: Implement programs aimed at de-radicalizing youth and preventing the spread of extremist ideologies through education and community outreach.
  6. Infrastructural Development: Invest in infrastructure to improve accessibility for security forces in remote and challenging terrains, facilitating quicker response times.
  7. Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with neighboring states and countries to tackle cross-border terrorism and dismantle militant networks.
  8. Legal and Policy Reforms: Strengthen anti-terrorism laws and policies to ensure rigorous prosecution of militants and their supporters, ensuring justice and deterrence.


Addressing the escalating militancy in Jammu requires a multifaceted approach involving enhanced security measures, community engagement, and cross-border cooperation. Sustainable peace and stability will depend on strategic interventions, socio-economic development, and strengthened law enforcement to counteract the evolving threat landscape.

Source:The Hindu

Mains Practice Question:

Discuss the recent resurgence of militant activity in Jammu’s Pir Panjal and Chenab valleys. Analyze the underlying causes, the impact on regional security, and suggest comprehensive measures to address this challenge.

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