Felicitation Ceremony Honors UPSC 2023 Rank Holders at Universal Group of Institutions

On Saturday, May 4th, Universal Group of Institutions at Koluru Campus had the distinct honor of felicitating two distinguished UPSC 2023 rank holders, Shashwath Agarwal (AIR 121) and Ankur Kumar (AIR 384). The ceremony was graced by the presence of Shri Prabhuling Kavalikatti, Director of the Directorate of Municipal Administration, Bengaluru, Karnataka, who led the celebrations as the chief guest.

The event was a momentous occasion not only for the UPSC achievers but also for the Universal School of Administration’s Bengaluru University rank holders, all of whom secured positions within the top 10 ranks. Additionally, top performers from Universal PU College were recognized for their exceptional academic achievements.

Presiding over the ceremony, R. Upendra Shetty, Chairman and Founder of Universal Group of Institutions, extended his heartfelt congratulations to all the honorees. The event was attended by the institution’s management, faculty, staff, and students, who gathered to celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of their peers.

In his address, Shri Prabhuling Kavalikatti praised the dedication and hard work of the students, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and continuous learning. He encouraged all students to draw inspiration from the success stories of Shashwath Agarwal and Ankur Kumar, reminding them that with determination and effort, they too can achieve great heights.

Motivation for Aspirants
The journey of UPSC preparation is often long and arduous, demanding unwavering commitment and resilience. Shashwath Agarwal and Ankur Kumar’s achievements serve as a testament to the power of hard work and the pursuit of excellence. Their success stories inspire countless aspirants to believe in their potential and strive for their dreams.

To all the students and aspirants, remember that every challenge you face is an opportunity to grow stronger and wiser. Stay focused on your goals, maintain a positive mindset, and never underestimate the impact of consistent effort. As our honorees have demonstrated, success is not a distant dream but a reality within your grasp.

Celebrating Academic Excellence

The felicitation of the Bengaluru University rank holders and Universal PU College toppers further underscores Universal Group of Institutions’ commitment to fostering academic excellence. These students have not only excelled in their studies but have also set a benchmark for future generations.

The institution remains dedicated to providing an environment that nurtures talent, encourages innovation, and supports the holistic development of its students. Today’s ceremony is a celebration of hard work, dedication, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge.


The felicitation ceremony at Universal Group of Institutions was a memorable event, honoring the extraordinary achievements of Shashwath Agarwal, Ankur Kumar, and other outstanding students. It serves as a powerful reminder of the limitless possibilities that lie ahead for those who dare to dream and work tirelessly towards their goals.

Congratulations to all the honorees! May your success stories continue to inspire and motivate others to achieve greatness.